Sana x M Reader || Confession

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He still had that childlike imagination, but yet was so mature. He matured faster than others, and was often fed up with his class childishness. Believing that there was no room for childishness, he often excluded himself from conversations in class, and interacting with his classmates altogether.

All but one.

Well, he was kind of forced into it. She approached him first. She was bubbly, lively, fun - all the positive adjectives could be used to describe her. She was basically the opposite of him.

His name was Y/N, and hers was Sana, and they unexpectedly became friends after Sana worked up the courage to talk to him.

To tell the truth, Sana actually had been crushing on this boy for a while, and it was only just a few months ago did she try talking to him.


"Hey, Sana," you greeted, seeing Sana step into the classroom. The classroom was empty, apart from the two of you. Outside, the sun hadn't even risen yet, and it was dark out.

You and Sana has the tendency to come earlier than others. Way earlier. It was just much more peaceful this way, you both wouldn't have to deal with those childish classmates of yours, and you could actually study in a more productive environment.

"Hey, Y/N," Sana said, greeting you with a smile, pulling up her chair to your table. Your table was filled with books, revising for upcoming tests, which most people in your class would find unnecessary, as they weren't keen on the idea of even studying alone. That would explain why they were so childish all the time.. you thought, nodding to yourself.

"So like.. I kinda like you and all.."

Did you hear correctly? Did Sana just confess to your or something? You swore, you had hear her say that exact sentence.

Looking up at Sana, who was looking at her textbook, focusing on it rather than on you.

"Did you say something, Sana?"

Sana looked up from her book, pressing something on her phone. "Huh? No, I didn't," she replied calmly, before going back to her work.

"And I find myself being happy with you.. so please accept my confession~"

There was no kidding here, you had definitely heard the sentence loud and clear. There simply was no denying it!

"Sana.. are you.. confessing to me?" You asked. Sure, you had heard what Sana said to you. But could it be possible that your ears were playing tricks on you, and that you were just being deceived by what you wanted to hear from the prettiest girl in your eyes, aka Sana? No, you were thinking too much.

You gripped onto your pen tightly, waiting for her answer. Removing her earbuds, she put them down on the table, not putting her pen down though.

"Those were just lyrics of a song, Y/N. I'm sorry for singing them so loudly"

Damn it. You had just embarrassed yourself in front of her, and now you could feel your cheeks heating up.

"S-Sorry," you stuttered, going back to your work and distracting your mind from it. I should probably shut up from now onwards.

"But if I did confess to you, would you accept?"

You heard those words loud and clearly.

"Well, I'm waiting for an answer, L/N Y/N," Sana said, smiling brightly at you.


You wouldn't have to be this unsure about your answer if you were confident enough to just confess to her.

"Well, okay. Today, February 20, we are officially a couple!" Sana said, holding your hands, intertwining them with hers.

"Weren't you just joking?" You asked, bewildered by what had just happened.

"If I'm being honest," she said, letting go of your hands. "Those weren't song lyrics. I just wanted to see how you'd react to my confession, and I was kind of practicing how to confess to you.." she explained, awkwardly scratching her nape.

She had the same feelings back.

"Alright Sana. As you said, we'll be a couple from now onwards them," you mentioned to the cute little squirrel in front.

"Yay! I love you Y/N!"

"Don't you think it's a little too early to say that?"

"Nothings too early if you know it's true love"

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