Chaeyoung x M Reader || Caught your eye (Part 2)

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Hey, Y/N right?
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Yep haha it's me. What are you doing up so late at night? You should be sleeping :)
✔️✔️ delivered, seen at 11:30PM

Just finished filming a stage of Fancy, you should check it out in the morning!
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I definitely will! Anyways, I was wondering...
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✔️✔️ delivered, seen at 11:30PM

I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner or something? Idk if you can, but I was just bored >.<
✔️✔️ delivered at 11:30PM

Chaeyoung is typing

Gosh, why do I suddenly feel myself getting all nervous? It's just a response... from my ultimate bias!

Sure! That'll be great, should we do it at 7?
✔️✔️ delivered, seen at 11:30PM

Alright, I'll text you the details. See you & goodnight!
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✔️✔️ delivered, seen at 11:31PM

"Hey hey hey," I heard Jaebum's voice as he dashed into my room. I sat up on my bed, looking to him all confused and sleepy.

"You're trending now, if you wanna go our you should probably wear a mask!" He squealed excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Why are you excited? You're not the one who's famous"

"It's because I'm friends with someone famous! I could get discounts, and I won't get into scandals!" He exclaimed and delivered his point across to me. I had no words to counter attack him.

"Oh... kay..." I replied him slowly, as I felt him chuck a black mask to me.

"Wear this if you're going out"

"Alright, then I will," I replied, taking the mask.

"Wait, you're actually going out?" He asked in disbelief and climbed onto my bed.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, placing the mask on my bedside table.

"You're such an introvert, never knew you were going to step out of your house," he remarked and I nodded my head. It was true, I didn't really like walking or even stepping outside my house. The sun, it was too blaring for me.

But I would make one exception - for her.

"Yah! Why are you smiling?" Jaebum teased me, shooting a sneaky smile to me.

"It's morning," I shrugged, maintaining an expressionless emotion on my face. Jaebum didn't believe it one bit but he succumbed to his tiredness minutes later.

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