Tzuyu x F Reader || It didnt matter

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You laid down onto her lap, resting in her embrace. It was truly the best thing you had ever experienced, your legs curved to the side, as you wrapped your arms under the jacket she had lent you earlier to keep yourself warm.

She knew you easily got cold, so she had gotten a few of your (and hers) friends to give you their jackets, and this happened when you were fast asleep, on her thigh.

Groaning, you moved closer to her waist, sleeping on your side, as the noise slowly died down, and you felt yourself going into deep sleep already.

Tzuyu noticed this as she gently stroked your fluffy hair, the hair that you had spent an hour on, just to impress her. It didn't matter how long it took you, so long as Tzuyu was impressed, you were pretty much satisfied.

You had been out for a while now, and only began to wake up when the noise gradually increased. You guys were at an open and lit place, eating and having fun, not doing illegal things like your parents thought you were.

"Feeling cold?" Tzuyu asked, a little of concern in her eyes. You nodded, groaning a little, causing Tzuyu's little eyes to quiver. She didn't want you to be feeling any pain, and certainly wanted you to feel comfortable, she she grabbed another jacket which she found from the side and placed it over you. It didn't matter who's jacket it was. So long as you were warm and comfortable, that was all that mattered to Tzuyu.

"Are you tired? You've been sleeping for a while," Tzuyu remarked to herself, not knowing that you were awake and listening to every word that she said. Every word that she said was precious and deserved to be heard, you thought.

"A little," you replied, feeling Tzuyu gently run through your hair. Enjoying the feeling, you moved your body up a little, feeling her fingers run through every part of your hair, gently stroking your soft and fluffy hair.

"We should probably go home.." Tzuyu started off, getting ready to stand up.

"No, don't leave so soon, I need someone to talk to," Tzuyu's friend, Jeongyeon, stated. You were perfectly okay with this, knowing that it would give you a little bit of extra time to sleep, you thought, crossing your legs and leaning onto Tzuyu's shoulder.

Her side view was what you saw before you leaned onto her shoulder and slept, feeling your head go lower and lower down her body.

"Only if it's okay with-," Tzuyu began, only to feel a head crash onto her body, sliding down.

"Y/N?" She asked, but to no avail. She had already crashed for the night.


"Ah, how did I end up on your lap?" You asked, walking to the escalator.

"Yours truly made sure you didn't fall onto the ground with a thud," Tzuyu smiled, removing her jacket from herself.

"Yours truly? But I've already made you mine, and I'm yours, right?" Y/N started being cheesy, placing her hand on Tzuyu's. Tzuyu simply rolled her eyes at that lame joke, knowing how lame Y/N could be at times, remind her hand from the pile.

"Alright alright. But I must admit, I have something to tell you"

Tzuyu's ears perked up. She was all ears to listen to anything Y/N had to say.

"So.. theres this girl.. she confessed to me about liking me"

Her heart sank. This girl, liked Y/N? Course, who wouldn't like Y/N, I mean? She's funny, cheesy, talented, basically a person anyone would wanna end up with.

"Are you gonna accept her?" Tzuyu knew her life, or rather, love life depended on this question. Whether it was a yes, or a no.

"Nah, I don't have feelings for her.."

Her heart lifted again.

"I'm catching feelings for someone else," Y/N said, getting off the escalator.

Celebrated a little too soon, did we now?

"Who's that someone?" She asked, looking into your eyes, with curiosity.

"Someone you know.." You smirked at Tzuyu, the both of you getting into train.

"Someone I know? Is it-," Tzuyu was cut off by the jerk of the train, as it started moving. Having no where to hold onto, her first instinct was to hold onto you, grabbing your shirt, and holding your waist, almost as if she was hugging you.

You held onto the handle above, wrapping the other hand around her waist.

"Sorry, but I'm just scared I'll fall again.." Tzuyu whispered, as you nodded your head.

"Who is it again?"

"Maybe it's too early to say, but it's you, Tzuyu," you looked down to the smaller Tzuyu, who was clinging onto you like a sloth.

"Why didn't you confess earlier?" Tzuyu asked looking up to you with those cute eyes.

"I just thought you would... I don't know, reject me or something.."

"After every cute thing we've done together, you don't think I have the same feelings towards you? Of course I do," Tzuyu replies softly, hugging you even more.

"Let's just remain in this position for a while more... until we reach our stop.."

It didn't matter how long it would take you guys to reach your stop. In fact, you wanted this moment to last forever.

Twice x Reader [Oneshots] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora