Dahyun x Reader || Wishing we were more than friends

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"You think I'll get tanned out here"

You raised an eyebrow as you eyes Dahyun, the girl laying down on the picnic mat, spreading her body out like a starfish, before following suit in her action, lying down right beside her.

"It's night time"

"Isn't there such a thing as moon burn?"

She asked as she looked up towards the sky, the moon hovering above the both of you. You reached your hand out, opening your palm up just wide enough to be able to cover the moon, before turning your head to look at her. "There. I don't think you'll be getting any moon burns any time soon"

This elicited a chuckle from Dahyun, as silence was next to creep up on the both of you. Resting your hands on your stomach, you knew you had to tell her. That was quite literally the reason why the two of you were out today - with the main priority of yours having to tell her what you'd been keeping a secret for these past few weeks. And honestly, it was eating you up inside.

You'd spent the last few weeks keeping this piece of information private, or a secret rather, from all your close friends. Even Dahyun, the person you would consider your closest friend thus far, hadn't even heard about this. And you weren't sure why you hadn't told her.

Maybe it was the thought of sadness in her face that would make you feel equally as sad. But this was good news right? I mean, she should be happy for you.

But how could she be happy when you were going to be thousands of miles away?

You pondered on the thought, your gaze shifting from the stars in the sky to the star in your life, which just happened to be lying next to you.

Her eyes closed, her chest rose and fell steadily, her body relaxed- wait, was she sleeping right now?

"Hyun! Hyun! Wake up... I don't want to have to drag your sleeping ass back into the car..." You smacked her side with your palm, her eyes immediately fluttering open.

"I wasn't sleeping! I was just getting some shuteye... resting my eyes..."

"Thats the same thing..."

"It isn't!"

"Are you going to argue your case?"

"No... I wouldn't be able to win against you anyway, law student," she pouted and crossed her arms, turning away from you.

Comfortable silence was what was heard next. And you knew you had to tell her, now.

Fiddling with your fingers, your voice was the first to break the silence. "Hyun? I need to tell you something"

"Hmm?" Dahyun hummed, looking in your direction, eyes expectant. You avoided eye contact, bitting your lip.

"How should I say this... So basically...you know about how I've really wanted to further my studies in law... and how Seoul's options are a little limited- No! I didn't mean that I didn't want to study here... I mean that I don't mind but I just wanted more exposure elsewhere-"

Dahyun nodded, listening to your rambles.

"I kinda applied to this school- well I didn't have intention in getting into it but like I did... and I'm starting my school term there instead... instead of Seoul this year..." your voice grew quieter with the last sentence, still avoiding eye contact.

Dahyun sat up, pursing her lips, deep in thought.

This was it. Was this where she would end your friendship because a long distance one wouldn't work out? I mean, who would want to waste their time maintaining one through Skype calls?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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