Chaeyoung x F Reader || A Day With Her (8)

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"You drew this?" I asked, impressed with her work. Chaeyoung beamed with pride, flipping the pages to show me her beautiful artworks.

"How did you even have the time do draw all of these when you were on tour?" I asked, flipping through her art works one by one. Each of them had their own style, and the variety of colors stood out to me the most, with the complementary colors of red and blue.

"I just did it when I felt bored at night sometimes... it helps me unwind and de stress from the tour," She explains and I flip the sketch book close, kissing her on her forehead.

"I'm happy to have such a talented artist like you," I say, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. She smiles, a faint blush creeping up onto her face, but hides it.

"By the way, I'm going to bring you somewhere today," I say, leading her out of the house. She tilts her head to the side, confused as I put a blindfold over her head.

"Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you or anything, I promise," I say and help her get into the car, strapping her seatbelt in.

She gives me a weird look with her mouth before saying, "Thats exactly what a kidnapper would say, Y/N"

I chuckle as I start the car. "Seriously, it's a surprise"

She's skeptical but still goes along with it, curious to where I'll bring her to. Luckily, I had prepacked everything we needed before we set off.


"Okay, you can get out now," I say, helping her out of the car, and slowly removing her blindfold.

"Woah," she gasps amazement as she looks around. "It's been a while since I've came here"

"Yeah, I know. The last time you girls came here was probably during the Dance The Night Away Era," I remark, taking out what I packed and holding her hand, as we walk onto the soft sand. The weather is just right for a swim, or even a sun tan.

Setting up the big umbrella and mats, along with the food the members had packed for us, this was all set for a perfect date.

Chaeyoung had already changed into her swimsuit, looking so adorable. Laying down, it just felt so comfortable beside her, knowing that she was relaxing as well, taking time off.

I, was just so tired that I didn't notice myself sneaking beside her, and feeling her head onto my chest as we drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to find Chaeyoung's hands around my waist, head onto my chest, sleeping softly. Lucky that this was a private beach, if not pictures would have been leaked out right at that instant.

"Wake up cutie pie," I whisper and kiss her forehead lightly, feeling her waking up suddenly and yawning, smiling at me as she sports a sneaky smile, holding my wrist and bringing me to the waters. I run after her, and holding up a selfie stick that she had already attached her phone to.

It seems like she had found my old selfie stick which I had kept at the trunk of my car. Waterproof covering secured her phone, as we took a picture in the water, all wet.

Splashing around, getting wet and smiling, this was definitely one way I would want to spend my day with Chaeyoung. Seeing how happy she was in the water, I splashed her more, and she giggled at me, doing the exact same action back at me.

Once we got tired, we headed back to shore to cool down, when the sun was soon setting. I grabbed a towel by our mats and draped one over Chaeyoung, packing up all our stuff and heading back to the car.

I placed everything at the back of the car to feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around to see Chaeyoung behind me, just a few centimeters shorter than me. I booped her nose, and she giggled, hugging me.

"Thanks for the awesome day out, Y/N. I love you," she said, and we shared a kiss under the moon light.

I hugged her body back and we shared an intimate kiss, smiling, not wanting to leave each other.


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Y/N: Just chilling w/ my beloved, I love you:)

twice_chaeyoung: I love you too!

twice_nayeon: y'all are seriously so cute 😍

twice_jihyo: #couplegoals

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