Momo x F Reader || Perfect

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"I was afraid to be judged
So I hid amongst the regular"
Wanting to be accepted and to fit in just feels like a need for me

The rain started coming down hard. Raindrops were heard hitting on the metal roof, as I shivered. My jacket wasn't doing a good job of keeping me warm, so much for its sole purpose, I thought, zipping it up and burying my hands into the pockets.

Coming into the classroom were a group of girls - the popular crowd. They were loved by everyone, and they were good looking yet talented as well. I looked up from my math work, to see 4 of them enter the classroom, talking and smiling to each other.

How I wish I could be one of them, I wouldn't have  to worry so much about having friends in this school. My last priority should be friends, but how is it that I'm stressing out over whether I fit in or not?

The next 5 entered the classroom, sitting down at their respective places. It was 3.00PM, why weren't they going home yet? No one would usually stay back, unless they were probably studying... Oh yeah.. they wanted to study here today.

My solemn face seemed to reflect how I felt inside, as I sat there, just looking at how much fun they were having. The longing to be accepted and to have fun with them grew, the desire seemed to be growing everyday.

They wouldn't notice an unpopular kid like me..

On one side of the classroom, the atmosphere was lively, fun and jovial. But on the other side of the classroom, it was silent. The deadly silence just spooked me, although I knew that it was just me and me alone here. My eyes couldn't stop looking at the group of i girls - sometimes I was just jealous! Jealous of how much fun they had together, jealous of how they would always have someone to rely on.

I heard whispers, such as "Why is she all alone there?"

As if you guys cared anyways.

No one's POV
There was this one girl, who got out of her place. Feeling the sensing that something was wrong, she was on her way to her table, taking a seat beside her.

"Hey, I'm Momo.." she introduced herself, sticking out her hand. Unfortunately, all she was greeted back was with a stare, of disbelief.

"I know," she simply replied, as if she spat at Momo.

Don't feel discouraged, Momo. It's just first impressions, there's so much more to know about her! After all, don't judge a book by its cover I mean!

"So.. I was wondering if you wanted to join me and my friends over there.." Momo paused, pointing over at where the girls were, laughing and having fun together. "To study"

Y/N closed her book, placing them in her bag, and keeping her stuff, all without a word. She finally got up, carrying her bag, and glancing at Momo for one last time. "No thanks. I wouldn't be compatible with them," she finished off her sentence, and walked calmly out of the classroom.

Somehow, Momo wasn't affected by Y/N's cold attitude. Something in Momo just prompted her to want to talk to Y/N more, find out more about her. There were so many chances to talk to Y/N, yet Momo never grabbed it. This was something she planned to do.

Momo got up of the seat, pushing it in, and walking back over to the group of friends, plastering on her smile, as she joined in their conversations.

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