Dahyun x F Reader || Care

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From Nobody to Somebody

I become a very special me"


Everything's gonna be just fine. Don't let your emotions get the better of you and control you, Y/N. You are going to be just fine, don't worry.

Everything's okay... Everything's alright..

I sat there, my head buried in my legs, and hugging my legs closely to my chest. It had been the fifth time this week that I had that dream... the same dream I had been dreaming for the past few days.

The question that is often asked, is why me? Why do I have to suffer through this agony, through this pain? Do these dreams actually have a meaning to it? Why am I feeling so depressed all the time?

My parents were a big part of my life. They were basically my pillar of support, backing me up in whatever I did. They helped me, and imagining a world without them was just not possible.

I felt my breathing increase faster and faster, I could barely catch my breath as tears started flowing down.

As much as I tried to control my tears, they seemed to just keep flowing down. Sure, it was better to just let me emotions out for a little while, right?

People say that pain is temporary, but why does it feel permanent for me? As if I have lost meaning, as if I don't belong in this world.

Who could give answers to my questions? Who could help me, comfort me, who would even understand me.

I stared at the time. 2AM...

There was school in 5 hours, and I wasn't ready. Totally not ready.

I would seem like a pretty normal, jovial person on the outside, but in reality, I was hurting badly on the inside. It hurt, I don't know what's bothering me, but I just feel sad, depressed.

Knowing that one day, no one might even care for me, no one would ever support me...

I laid my head down on the pillow, desperate to get some sleep. This has been a habit, waking up in the middle of the night, feeling depressed, cry it all out, before trying to sleep, but I had to tell you, it was really hard having to sleep with a blocked nose.

Negative thoughts often filled up my mind at this hour, depriving me of my sleep.

No, Y/N. Don't ever let these words get to you, the people who say you are useless, worthless. These words are just fake, they don't mean anything.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me... such a lie. Words hurt more than the actual pain itself, and it was proven. I didn't have the evidence to say that it was a fact, but was defiantly an opinion that most of us would agree with, right?

If people were to see what I had become, wouldn't they just look down on me, not acknowledging me as a person? I have feelings too, alright? Just because I'm nice and lenient, doesn't mean that I give you the right to be mean to me.

I shut my eyes, and all I could see was darkness.

Dark... just like my life. When I was ever going to find the light at the end of the tunnel, the person who would pull me out of this depressing time?

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