Sana x F Reader || A Day With Her (4)

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Now, being Sana's wife was both the best thing and the worst thing.

She was so squishy and cute like a little marshmallow, but she could also cling onto you for hours just like a koala bear and never let go.

"Sana dear," I called out and she peeked our from beneath the covers, grinning at me. She was the main reason why I bothered to even get up. I pinched her nose and she squealed, clinging onto my arm.

"Sana- woah!" I exclaimed and she climbed onto my back, hugging me.

"I'm not going to let you go without me," she said in a cute voice and clinged onto me. I couldn't remove her grasp so I sighed and walked into the bathroom to freshen up.

Sana must have thought I was warm because she almost fell asleep on me, if it wasn't for me flinging her back onto the bed. She pouted for a little bit before running into the empty bathroom for her to freshen up. I shook my head at the little snake before going downstairs, where our kids would be.

"Mummy!" The only girl of the four came running up to me and hugging me.

"Good morning sweetheart," I pecked her on the cheek, before receiving two more hugs from the twins.

"Mum!" They called out and I gave them each a peck on the cheek.

"Ahem," I heard a voice from upstairs. Sana purposely cleared her voice and wasn't looking too happy with me. I told the kids to run along and I joined her up the stairs.

"What's up?" I asked and she pouted, acting cute to me.

"I'm jealous. I want some kisses too," she said, puckering up her lips. I studied her delicate facial features before giving it some thought.

"Have you freshened up?"


"Have you brushed your teeth?"

"Yes, now hurry up and kiss me!" She was getting impatient with every question.

"Okay, fine," I chuckled and connected our two lips together. She had her eyes closed but mine were still wide open, making sure the children didn't catch us kissing, or I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it. Once, they caught me making out with Sana, and let's just say the teasing lasted for a week. And they even spilled the tea to their aunts! I wonder where they learned that from.

"Y/N ah,  just embrace this moment," Sana said, one hand at the back of my head, pulling my closer and deepening the kiss. I smiled and followed suit, my hands on her waist and-


"And I'll get it," i slithered out of her embrace and to the door.

I opened it and 8 girls swarmed the place, with of course, Jihyo almost kicking the door down and running to the kids, followed by Nayeon and Jeongyeon. Momo and Dahyun came in, acting all hyped like they had just returned from the club or something, followed by Mina and Chaeyoung, intertwined hands.

When I grinned at them, they quickly removed their hands from each other, acting blur. Tzuyu followed after Jihyo, looking around for her, and only sighing in relief after making sure she was alright.

"And you girls are here because?" I drawled on my sentence, looking around at where the girls were. Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Jihyo and Dahyun were playing with the three active kids. The two couples with the twins, and Jihyo with my one and only daughter.

I arched an eyebrow as I turned over to where our newborn was, seeing Mina, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu fawning and cooing her. I shrugged my shoulders and Sana came down the stairs, greeting the girls.

I smacked my hand around her waist and she smiled at me, pecking me on my forehead.

"He's so cute... what's his name?" Chaeyoung asked as Mina cooed with the little boy.

"(L/N) Hyunjin," I replied, smiling at the little boy's giggles. The three of them laughed along with him, and i went over to find the rest of the girls. Sana stayed to talk with the remaining ones.

"She's become so much cuter since I last saw her," Jihyo said, playing with Yuna. Yuna and Jihyo were both playing legos together, and I couldn't contain my smile at how cute they were. Of course, Sana was cuter in my eyes.

Momo and Dahyun were together with one twin, and Jeongyeon and Nayeon... bickering over the twin?

"We should totally have a baby, Jeong! Look at how cute they are!"

"No, they're too much work, and we barely even have time to ourselves," Jeongyeon countered Nayeon who instantly pouted, crossing her arms, and luckily Seungmin was there to curb her anger and fell to the floor giggling. Nayeon giggled and helped him stand up, along with Jeongyeon who looked at me and shrugged.

Jisung and Dahmo looked just fine, and I went back to Sana, circling my arms around her tiny waist, pulling her away.

"And now you're the one getting clingy, aren't you?" She asked, pulling me into a room.

"Maybe... I just wanted to spend the day with you... and the girls are here... so-"

Sana put her index finger on my mouth, shutting me up.

"The reason I asked them here was to take care of the children..." she replied, pulling my collar to a guest room that we had on our ground floor. She dominated me and was topping me, smiling.

"So we can have the day to ourselves," she whispered harshly into my ear, grinning at seeing the effect that she had on me.

"Relax! Im not going to do anything bad to you, let's just," I saw her eyes looking at my lips. I wasn't going to argue, she's the boss!

She targeted my lips with her own, and we started kissing. I pulled away, licking my lips after that little kiss. She seemed a little turned on by it, before starting to grind on me slowly. My broad shoulders acting as a support for her, and she pushed me back onto the bed, starting to make out with me.

I could feel her smile in between the kisses, and I disconnected our kiss. She seemed a little sad before I attacked her neck, kissing her down lightly. She shivered for a little while, proceeding to remove my shirt and-

"Do we really want another child?" I asked her gently, stopping her for a minute. Now that made Sana remember all those sleepless nights, especially since we were already had a newborn outside, in the care of Mina, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.

"Hmm... I wouldn't mind... but not now," she smirked and got off me. I patted her head and we got out of the room, acting all normal again.

After a few hours of catching up and awwing over the babies, the girls had all left, with some nudging their partners to get a baby as cute as ours. I gave a wide smile, ruffling the kids hair, feeling Sana's hands snake around my waist.

I kissed her on the head, interlocking our eyes together.

This was just the start of how ours lives were going to look like for the rest of our lives.

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