Jihyo x F Reader || A Day With Her (5)

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"Y/N... this is... amazing. I love it," Jihyo says as she sits down and pecks me on my cheek. I sit down facing directly opposite her, grinning to myself, having pulled off such an amazing wonderful plan.

It was around 9 at night, and I had reserved the entire restaurant just for us. Just so that we could spend time together, something which was rare due to overwhelming amount of work we can to accomplish a day.

A candlelit dinner for the both of us to wind down was perfect. There was only one waiter and two chefs here for the day, and the manager, who happened to be my childhood buddy, had entrusted me with the duty of shutting up the restaurant before we exited.

"What would you like, darling?" I called her by her pet name as my fingertips gently brushed across the pages of the menu. The lining of the menu alone was golden, and the papers were crisp, symbolizing that it was new.

"Hmm... I'll take the carbonara... you?" She gently placed the menu down and looked towards me.

"The truffle fries and steak sounds nice to me, we can share the fries," I proposed and she nodded ecstatically. Pressing onto the little bell function at the corner of the table, it would only be a matter of seconds before our waiter arrived.

Our waiter, who was dressed up to the nines, appeared cheerfully from the kitchen. Of course, I knew why he would be so happy, and it was for two reasons.

One being that he didn't have to work as hard, and two, he was getting his salary for this overtime shift.

"What can I get you?" He asked with his notepad and pen present.

"One carbonara and one steak, with truffle fries," I ordered on behalf of Jihyo and he nodded, scribbling down.

"Any beverages?" He asked and I looked towards Jihyo who had already flipped to the page.

"Some wine would be nice, red wine," she ordered and I nodded, going along with her. Our waiter scribbled ur down, repeating our order our loud, and confirming it, before returning to the kitchen where the magic would happen.

"You really booked the entire restaurant just for today?" She asked, still in denial that her girlfriend had went the extra mile just to make this special moment that much memorable. "How much did it cost?"

"Uhh... let's just say that it wasn't really cheap," I said, trying to edge myself out of the question. Jihyo arched her eyebrow and gave me that stare of hers. I could really feel the heat from that glare and I was quick to fess up.

"Okay, let's just say that it was above 300 bucks..."

"Y/N!" She pouted. I knew how much she didn't like me spending money, but i couldn't help it. Sometimes money just needs to be spent.

"Your wine," the waiter came back with a bottle of wine, and tipped it ever so gently into our glasses, before quickly leaving us to our own conversation.

"A toast, to us. This is our first anniversary," I said, raising my glass. Jihyo copied my actions and we clinked glasses, savoring the taste of wine.

"Exquisite," Jihyo complimented it, thoroughly impressed, setting it back down onto the table.

"How has studying been? I know it must be stressful and all," Jihyo started the conversation on the foot of what we've been up to, how life has been.

Though we haven't met for almost what seemed like a month, our lives were still the same, pretty mundane and all, nothing much interesting happening to us.

Until our food was served, we didn't shut up all the way. The restaurant was filled of chatters - our chatters to be more specific. Mostly because we were the only ones there.

No one's POV

The food was simply delish, handmade by the chefs in the kitchen behind. Y/N cut the steak carefully, piercing his fork into one of the pieces of it.

"Jagiya, open wide," she smiled widely. Jihyo grinned and opened her mouth, Y/N took that opportunity to feed her girlfriend.

"Taste nice?" Y/N asked and Jihyo nodded her head. Course, it was medium rare, just to suit both girls preferences.

The pair slowly ate their dishes, no rush, with the occasional sipping of their wine. Y/N didn't have much planned after their dinner, more of a 'surprise'.

It wasn't that good anyways - as Y/N thought.

"You done?" Y/N asked, looking over to Jihyo who wiped her mouth using the napkin and nodding, the waiter immediately coming to the rescue and taking all of their plates and wine cups, rushing to wash them.


"Where are we going?" Jihyo looked to me with anticipation. I checked the wall clock, it showed 10:20 at night. Nothing much was open anyways, other than our house... where the other girls weren't at.

"We're going to go home, I've picked out a great movie for us," I said, pinching her little cheek. The staff seemed to be finishing up, and the two of us waited for them to depart the restaurant, saying our thanks and goodbyes, and I shut the restaurant, locking it.

I intertwined our hands and pulled Jihyo closer to me. I saw her smile, and she clinged onto my arm, walking back to where I had previously parked my car at.


"Honestly, that was a really good movie," Jihyo commented, lifting her head off my shoulder and started walking back to our bedroom. I turned off the television with  a click, turning off all lights in the vicinity, following after her.

She got underneath the covers, and I did too, feeling her warmth as she pulled me closer to her, pulling my body nearer and nearer, resting her head onto my chest.

"Thanks Jagiya, I love you," she said, laying her lips onto mine. I could taste her apple chapstick, and I didn't disconnect the kiss until we were almost out of oxygen and practically dying.

"Love you too," I said and we drifted off into sleep.

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