Tzuyu x F Reader || I got your back

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"We're going to do circle time, so get into your groups now!" Mrs Park announced the class, as she received groans back.

"We're so old already, and we still have to do circle time? Unbelievable," Soyun grumbled to me, taking a seat right beside me.

"Think of it in a positive manner," I replied quietly.

"How though? I can't, I'm a pessimist, okay Y/N?" Soyun grumbled, but still smiling at me.

I had no idea how she was able to do that, but I wasn't complaining. So long as she wasn't angry with me, all was well.

"We will go one round to introduce our names, and what we like to do, alright?" Mrs Park instructed.

In my mind, was just me repeating what I had to say.

Kang Y/N, I like to sing.

Kang Y/N, I like to sing.

"Y/N? It's your turn now," Mrs Park said to me, snapping me out of my trance.

"Oh, yes. I'm Kang Y/N.. and I l-like to sing," I introduced myself, as Soyun went.

"Hi guys, I'm Hong Soyun, and I like being sarcastic and reading depressing quotes," Soyun introduced herself.

Seriously? She couldn't have just picked a normal hobby like drawing or reading? But she was just being her, and I shouldn't judge her.

"That stutter was cute though, Y/N," Soyun whispered into my ear, as I moved away from her.

However, that only caused Soyun to move closer to me, until we were almost a few inches apart.

"Alright then, now that we have introduced ourselves..."

I starting zoning out. It was just so boring for me, circle time.

However, my daydream just had to get cut off by her voice.

"I don't know, I just feel that circle time is so boring, don't you?" Soyun said, into my ear.

"Yeah, Yeah," I brushed her off.

I wasn't trying to be mean. I just didn't want people to talk to me.

It was just minutes of Mrs Park explaining cyber wellness and Soyun just blabbering into my ear.

Control, Y/N. Don't get so mad over this little thing. Just grin and bear it.

"Honestly, our teacher is so boring, don't you agree, Y/N?" Soyun asked me again, into my ear, as she kept moving closer, until her leg was practically on mine.

"You have your opinion, and I disagree with it. Sorry," I reply in the most calm way possible, as I start moving to my right.

"I'm so sorry, I keep bumping into you," I whisper to the girl on my right, as she simply smiles and nods.

"Don't worry about it. I'm Tzuyu, by the way. Y/N, right?" She replied, whispering as well.

"Yeah," I whisper back.

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Soyun interrupted our conversation, as I simply shook my head.

"Just introducing ourselves," I reply, not willing to make eye contact with Soyun.

I wasn't trying to be rude, it was just that she got on my nerves sometimes. And telling her would just stir her up, wouldn't it?

"Alright then.. If you say so," she replied, clearly doubtful of my answer.


"Y/N, saranghae," Soyun says, showing me the heart sign.

This saranghae thing came about when my friends and I were just jokingly saying 'I love you' to each other, and Soyun just decided to join in.

"S-Saranghae," I replied, not even looking at her.

"Y/N, can you look at me?" Soyun requested, clearly annoyed, but her face wasn't showing if.

I turned to my left, where Soyun was, eating her hamburger.


"Saranghae, Y/N," Soyun went off again.

Seriously, is she not sick of this?

"Y/N, why aren't you saying it back?"

"Why does Y/N have to say it back to you? Are you guys dating or anything?" Tzuyu, who has been quiet until now, speaks up.

"We aren't, and please stay out of this. We are just saying it in a jokingly manner"

"You can obviously see that Y/N is quite annoyed, and even during circle time, when you kept talking to her. Don't you think she was annoyed too?"

"Y/N?" Soyun asked, looking at me.

"Just tell her your true feelings, Y/N," Tzuyu said, smiling at me.

"Well... it can be annoying at times, if I am being very honest," I say, as Soyun groans.

"Fine, I'll stop then," she says, as she gets of her seat and goes over to her other friends.

"Thanks.. Tzuyu, was it?" I say, as Tzuyu nods her head.

"Yeah, and no problem. You could've just voiced out your concerns..."

Tzuyu's POV
"Yeah, but I wouldn't want to be rude"

Cute.. she thinks of others, and is considerate.

"I get your point. Don't worry, I've got you back, okay?" I flash her a smile, as she does the same.

"W-Would you like to go out sometime? I dunno, maybe just to get to know you better?" Y/N suddenly suggests, as I immediately nod my head.

"Sure. I'm down for that. Would Sunday be okay?"

"Yeah, Sure"

"Guess it's a date then"

"Yeah, see you then"

Twice x Reader [Oneshots] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon