Sana x F Reader || Together with her

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Every time I look at you, I fall in love with you again.
Your love is all I need to feel complete.

"Hey Lil Cutie..." I say, arms outstretched to Sana, while she comes and sits in front of me, allowing me to wrap my arms around her tiny little waist.


"I don't know, I just miss you"

"I was only gone for a minute," she stifles a giggle, while leaning back onto me, staring directly up to the ceiling.

"A penny for your thoughts?"

"Just thinking about how I'm going to make 2020 a good year for both me and you," Sana says as she intertwines mine and her hands.

"It will a good year, Sana. I promise you, it will be. Together, you and I will face obstacles as a couple," I say, pecking her cheek lightly, as I see her smile.

"Dispatch hasn't revealed us dating, I thought they would after that last date where we were careless and almost exposed ourselves, but instead, Heechul and Momo got found out," Sana says, laying down onto me, while I lightly stroke her brown hair.

"Do your members know about me?"

"Nope, No clue. I don't know what would be their reactions if we told them though"

"But isn't it better to tell them than to keep it from them?"

"Hmm... you do have a point there," Sana said, sitting up to face me. "You wanna arrange a meeting with them tonight? At Twice's dorm? I heard Heechul and Daniel will both be there..."

"Yeah sure, why not?"

"Yay!" Sana clapped her hands excitedly. "I'll go and tell them right now!" And with that, she took to her phone to tell the news.

"Daniel, Heechul," I bowed to them, as they bowed back. "Y/N? L/N Y/N?"

"Yep. Nice to meet you," I said, shaking their hands.

"Friend of Sana?" Heechul asked, slightly raising an eyebrow. "Or more than that?"

"You'll see later.." I replied, nervously laughing, as Heechul patted my back and led me to the couch, where Sana, Momo and Jihyo were.

"Hey," I heard from Daniel, as Jihyo hugged him and lightly kissed him on his lips, and the same was seen from Momo and Heechul.

"We can't do that now, can we?" I whispered into Sana's ear, only to see her shake her head.

I pouted at her, before receiving a rub on the thigh from her.

"Mhm.. alright. But only when we're alone..." she whispered back into my ear.

"Hey! What are you two whispering about?" Dahyun came, as she sat beside Sana, placing a bowl of grapes in front of her, on the glass table.

Sana instantly shook her head, popping a grape into her mouth.

"Want one, Y/N?" Sana asked me, as I nodded my head.

She took the grape from the bowl, while I opened my mouth, for her to plop in it, which she did.

"You two would make a cute couple," Chaeyoung remarked, as she stuffed some grapes into her mouth.

I could feel almost instantly, Sana's cheeks heating up.


"Congratulations to our new couple, Heechul and Momo," Jihyo said, holding up her wine glass.

"I would like to cheers to the new couple. One, Two, Three..."


The sound of wine glasses clinking was heard, as everyone started sipping their wine.

"Actually, I have something to announce as well..." Sana said, standing up, gesturing for Jihyo to sit back down, which she obliged and did.

"Y/N and I," she said, taking my hand, while I stood up. "Are dating as well..."

There was an awkward silence in the air, as everyone just look stunned, shocked, with the exception of Tzuyu who was already beginning to eat her bread.


"That's not a big shock though. So many couples have been coming out, it was about time you guys came out," she remarked, causing the rest of us to chuckle at the Maknae.

"Congrats, You Two. Can I propose another toast to Y/N and Sana?"


That was when I exchanged eye contact with Sana.

It was going to be a great year, together with her.

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