Nayeon x F Reader || Fantasy

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I shifted and stirred in bed, feeling something curled onto my leg. I lifted up the blanket, and realized that Nayeon's leg had somehow intertwined with mine, and she was holding onto me. I listened to her steady breathing, all the while admiring her delicate features, her long brown hair, stroking it while I smiled at her.

The time was 8 in the morning, not a suitable time to be waking up on a Saturday morning, because I would have used this time to sleep in and all, but there was a reason I was awake so early in the morning.

The morning sun gleamed into the room through the glass doors, as I caught a glimpse of the outside world, from the patio's view. We had rented a holiday villa near the beach, and we wanted to go to the beach today, right after exploring the woods, which was conveniently located right behind our villa.

Gently and slowly, I removed her arms around me, taking my pillow and wrapping her arms around that instead, so she wouldn't feel like she was missing something to hug. I got out of bed and did my morning routine quickly, descending down the stairs and into the spotless kitchen.

The countertops sparkled as I opened the fridge and got the ingredients I wanted to cook. Some eggs, bacon, baked beans, were are pre laid out for me, and all I needed was to get the frying pan and oil.

I cracked the eggs into a bowl, before adding a little bit of tap water into the bowl, mixing them all together with a fork. Heating up the pan soon after with a drizzle of oil, I hovered my palm over the pan, as I could feel it heating up.

I poured the eggs into the pan, waiting for it to cook fully before I flipped it. An omelette was what Nayeon enjoyed eating, apart from the usual cereal. I placed the used bowl into the sink, before preparing my frying slice and flipping it, making sure to do it gently so the sides wouldn't break.

Once done, I folded it in half and placed it onto the white ceramic plate, sizzling the bacon on the hot pan. The baked beans were instant and canned, so I heated them up and poured them onto the plate, carefully organizing them to make it look more appetizing. It was a good thing that I had paid attention in my food and consumers class.

The bacon sizzled, as I flipped them, cooking them till crispy, placing them onto the plate as well. I looked around the villa, finding a makeshift table, gently putting the plate onto it along with the utensils, and walking up the stairs carefully.

I was upstairs when I noticed Nayeon still hadn't stirred at all, or hadn't even moved. I placed the table down, parting her hair gently and giving her a kiss on the forehead, before whispering,

"Time to wake up Princess"

A little smile danced on her face, as she shook her head, spreading her arms and stretching them. I pecked her on her cheeks, and the smile grew bigger, with her sitting up and opening her eyes. I laid the table and handed her the metal utensils. Nayeon's eyes brightened at the sighting of food, as she clapped her hands like a little child.

"Thank you Y/N! Did you do this all by yourself?" She asked and I simply nodded my head. She cupped the right side of my face and kissed my cheek, before digging into the food. I pulled a chair over and we started discussing the activities of the day.

When she had finished, she went to get dressed, while I washed the dishes and got my backpack out. Luckily I had peen packed my backpack with the necessary items, so all I had to do was wait for Nayeon to get changed. My back facing the bathroom, sitting on the shared bed, I fiddled with my wedding ring.

It had been 2 years since we first said yes to each other, and I would never forget that moment. It was the moment when I fully committed to her, and made the best decision of my life.

I felt hands wrap around my shoulders and something resting on my head, as a wet kiss was planted onto the side of my cheek.

"What are you thinking about, love?" She asked. I smiled, facing her.

"Just thinking about when we got married... how I want to relive those moments again," I smiled. Nayeon gave her classic gummy smile, taking me by my hand and leading me out.

The woods was an extraordinary place, trees which were super tall, that I thought they would hit the sky. The fresh air was amazing, and I could easily sit here and enjoy the tranquility and peacefulness there.

As it was kind of cold, maybe mild, we had long coats draped onto us. We hiked up till we reached a calming waterfall, with leaves scattering the ground. It was totally confusing, at the beach, it was pretty hot, but here, it was rather calming and cold.

Nayeon set her phone down beside a rock, while I was capturing the beautiful scenery, and yes, that included Nayeon as well, playing with the leaves.

Nayeon grabbed my hands before pulling me close to her, hugging me, which I did back, automatically while we stared into each other eyes lovingly. A camera shutter sound could be heard as Nayeon pecked my lips, before retrieving her phone.

"The girls are going to be so jealous, thank you love," she said, clinging onto my arm and sending the photo to the girls, who were stuck in Seoul, all at home because their recent promotions had ended. That was the only reason why I was free to bring Nayeon out on a one day trip.

"You and your photos," I smirked as she giggled back to me, giving me a back hug, resting her head into the crook of my shoulder.

"Timeless memories," she rephrased it.

"Alright, alright. It's getting kind of late now, we should probably head down to the beach before it gets too dark," I say, and Nayeon nods her head. We slowly descend from the rocks and taking the path directly to our villa.


Nayeon and I are sitting by the beach, after having changed into something more comfortable and easier to move in. I smile as I see Nayeon run up to the waves, the sun has set, and she's still looking as gorgeous as usual.

I get up from my seat, walking towards her, treading on the sand barefooted, as she feels my presence, and intertwines our hands together. We start walking by the waves, on the soaked and damp sand, chatting, till we reach the end of the beach, where the grey rocks are.

I take the first step and climb onto them, stretching out my hand as Nayeon reaches out, stepping onto the stones. She walks towards the edge of the rock, spreading her arms out. The wind starts blowing, and it's a great feeling.

Smiling, I wrap my hands around her, snuggling my head into her shoulder, as she has done before, gently pecking her cheek.

"I love you," I whisper into her ear. She turns her head to me, making eye contact and placing her hands over mine.

"I love you too. I wanna stay in this position forever."

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