Jeongyeon x F Reader || Birthday Special 🌟

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Disclaimer: This plot is fictional, except for the overworked part. We love and stand by you, Jeongyeon ❤️

"No... Jeonghoon, we can't, not now"

"Why not? Listen, I'm sure we'll get really lucky! Didn't you have that dream about the 3 golden eggs in a basket, just like your moms dream?"

"Yeah, I did, but that was when my mom was pregnant, and she had three girls in the end! Listen to me, Jeonghoon, we have barely enough money at the moment to sustain Eunji and Eunjoo, so what makes you think that we'll be able to afford another baby!" Jeongyeon raised her voice, making Jeonghoon flinch a little. The children, who were startled and awoken by their mother's voice, were gestured by their dad with a slight of hand, to return back into their bedroom.

The oldest, Eunji, nodded, before patting her younger sister, Eunjoo, telling her to return back into the room. The siblings locked themselves inside, fearful of their parents quarrels which seemed to be happening more often these few days.

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes, before sitting back down to the wooden chair, her finger tips massaging the temples of her head. Jeonghoon took this opportunity to once again, try to convince his wife, getting out of his seat and walking towards her, massaging her shoulders. With every touch, Jeongyeon felt loved and secured in his presence, but flinched when she first felt his finger tips touch her shoulders.

"Hear me out. A little boy will be beneficial for the two of us, in terms of money wise and family as well. He can carry on the family name, and we all know how much better boys do in this economy-"


Seething with rage, Jeongyeon looked towards Jeonghoon, tear filled eyes as she eyed him down. Jeonghoon, with his hands outstretched in front of him, getting ready to block himself from any hits his wife was going to attack him with, in a battle stance.

"Do you really look down on our daughters? They can do equally as well in this economy, you're just in this for the money!" She shouted once again. Jeonghoon, who was worried that they would wake the neighbors up, with the rate that they were going, the likelihood was certain. He gestured to be silent, pointing outside, before giving a soft smile to her.

Jeongyeon couldn't even bear to look at him at all, facing down to the kitchen table, as she felt Jeonghoon's presence beside her, his arm wrapped around her. She tried pushing him away, but that only caused him to be a little more forceful, using all her strength, and pushing him towards the wall, where he fell back onto.

"Alright, I'll just give you space. I hope you reconsider my idea, okay Jeong?" He asked in a voice so soft, it was almost like a whisper. The only sound filling the house was the sound of footsteps, leaving the room, the creaking of the door as Jeongyeon grabbed his coat, leaving the house, for Jeongyeon to have some to herself.

She felt herself sink back into her chair, leaning back into it as she could only stare at the wedding ring on her ring finger. She lifted her hand, seeing how it glimmered under the light.

Jeonghoon had never really being the perfect spouse, always relying on his wife to bring in income to support the both of them, now, with the addition of their two children, them as well. Working as an idol in one of the biggest girl groups was enough to support the entire family, though Jeongyeon was often burdened, at times having sleepless nights because of how stressed she was.

What was worst was that she had pushed herself too much these past few months, leading her to develop anxiety. Overworking, just so she could support her family. Now, she wasn't participating in any activities, and her company had sought some professional help. Jeonghoon on the other hand thought it was just a waste of time.

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