Chaeyoung x M Reader || Knowing you

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Sometimes I overthink things

Sometimes I'm always worried for no particular reason

Sometimes I get angry easily

But it's not a sometime, when I say that I'm always grateful that I have you by my side


"Penny for your thoughts?" Chaeyoung asked me, looking at me. I looked out at the sea, in the little boat we were in, our feet were almost touching.

"Nothing much... just thinking when the fish will bite and all..." I replied, lifting up the fishing rod.

"There will be some, just be patient..." Chaeyoung reassured me, putting her hand on top of mine. "Hey, why not we play a little game then? Do you know how to play 'I spy with my little eye'?"

I rolled my eyes playfully, sitting up on the boat. "Seriously, Chae? We've been playing this game since we were 3!"

"Well, do you wanna play it or not?" Chaeyoung asked impatiently, as I nodded my head. It was getting boring out on the seas, and I had nothing to do anyways.

"Okay, I'll start first. I spy with my little eye... something blue," Chaeyoung said, closing an eye and looking around.

"The sea? The sky?" I guessed, but Chaeyoung shook her head.

"Umm... my shirt?" I asked, as she nodded her head.

"Good! Your turn, Y/N!"

I still thought this game was being played for little kids, as I looked around the area.

"I spy with my little eye.. something red.."

"The fishing pole!" Chaeyoung answered almost instantly, as I nodded my head. She had always been such a pro at this game.

"I spy with my little eye.. something green.."

"Green? We're no where near a patch of grass or anything... and neither of us are even wearing green!" I exclaimed in shock, as Chaeyoung shook her head.

"The green I see is envy, in you, Y/N. You've been looking distracted lately on this trip, and I think it's got to be because of ... you know who..." Chaeyoung refrained from saying his name, as she looked down at her shoes.


The boat was creaking, and it shifted to one side.

"Look! Your fishing rod!" Chaeyoung brought my attention to my fishing rod, which was bobbing up and down.

In a matter of seconds, I lifted it up, with force, as I reeled in the string and out of the water came...


"Huh?" Chaeyoung confusedly said, peering into the water.

"Maybe it just got away... like her..." I said depressingly, sitting back down.


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