Nayeon x F Reader || Lose you || Part 1

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I really wanna text you and all, but I'm scared that I'll come off too aggressive and annoy you.

I miss you everyday, and don't get me wrong, I'm not a stalker

I'm just scared that I'll lose you too, just like how I lost everyone else in my life.

"I'm glad that we get to spend time together, we hardly ever seem to have time to spend together..." Nayeon remarked, smiling at me.

We walked down the street to the cafe that Nayeon had recommended. It was, as according to her, was well known for its cakes and pasteries. She knew me so well - knowing I wouldn't pass down a free cake. Cakes were just so mouth-watering, so delectable. The layering, the frosting on top - I could already imagine it now.

We reached a shop, with two bells on top of its door, as we opened the door to hear a 'ring' sound from the bells above, symbolzing that new customers had come in. The waiters instantly diverted their attention to us, glancing at the door to see how many customers they had to serve today.

"Welcome, table for two?" A waiter, dressed in a black vest suit asked, Nayeon nodding. He ushered us to a table, which was near the window, so we could see the hustle and bustle of the street outside.

"Your menus," He presented to us two large menus of a warm beige colour, and Nayeon immediately began flipping through it, to a page filled with deserts and drinks.

"Y/N," She called my name, getting my attention, as I put down my menu and looked at her. "You've got to try this cake out, its amazing! I know how much you love chocolate, so this has to be the best cake for you - triple fudge chocolate cake! The chocolate doesn't overpower the cake, and its simply amazing!" Nayeon beamed with enthusiasm, as I called a waiter over.

"We'll have one triple fudge chocolate cake, and two iced green teas, thank you," I ordered, handing over our menus to the waiter, as he jotted our orders down on a pad of paper and nodded, briefly leaving to the kitchen to convey our orders.

"So, how have things been at school?"

Oh, I probably should tell you this, but Nayeon and I were 5 years apart. Despite the age gap, we were still able to connect, and people often wondered how we became friends, but I'll save that story for another time. For now, lets get back to the present.

"Its been good..." I say, nodding my head. Of course you're lying, Y/N. What about that friendship problem you had with that girl, where you tried standing up for her, but instead got blamed? Nah, it was better not to trouble Nayeon with such a minor thing.

"Have you still been sleeping at school?" Nayeon asked me, a glint of concern in her eyes, as two iced green teas were placed in front us. "Thank you," We both said in unison.

"Sadly, yes," I replied Nayeon's question, as I stirred my drink with the metal straw that was provided. "But I've been trying not to I mean. Its just that some subjects are just so boring that I can't help but sleep in that class"

Nayeon chuckled a little, before taking a sip of her green tea. "Try not to then. Those classes can be important for you and help you in the future"

I nodded my head, listening to every piece of advice she gave me. Of course, every word that came out of her mouth was precious.

"So how are you? Do you have any problems in school etc..."

"Well I-" I stopped myself there. To be honest, sometimes, I just feel like crying. I don't know the reason why I'm crying and all, but I just feel so sad.


The cake was placed in front of us, already sliced nicely for us.

"Lets eat first," I changed the topic, hoping to get her to forget about it. I don't know why I just feel like crying, its as if a surge of emotion overwhelmed me and I just feel so sad all of a sudden.

"That was a nice cake... Thanks for asking me out Nayeon, I got to go now..." I said, placing my share of the money on the table.

"Oh.. okay..." she said with a small smile, as I left the cafe.

Walking home really gave me a clear mind, but I just couldn't stop replaying Nayeon's question in my mind.

"How are you? Do you have any problems?"

I did have a problem... I thought, as my mind rewound to when Nayeon met my male classmate for the first time.


"Hi, I'm Nayeon, Im Nayeon..." She introduced herself to the male.

"What a nice name. I'm Seo Shinwon," He said back.

I just happened to be passing by, refilling my water bottle, as I just couldn't help but listen in on their conversation.

"Looks like you have lots of books there," Shinwon pointed out, as Nayeon giggled.

"Guilty, I guess," they chuckled together.

"Hey Nayeon..." I said, smiling at her, capping my waterbottle. "And Hey Shinwon"

The two smiled at me, before resuming their conversation.

Despite the several attempts I made to try to get Nayeon's attention, it just wasn't working, and I felt so defeated at that point of time - I just left.


That was what was bugging me, but I just couldn't tell her like that. Maybe I had FOMO - Fear of missing out, but I didn't really care if she had gone to an event I hadn't. I just felt this need for her to always be by my side, always paying attention to me. And it hit me.

I was scared I was going to lose her too.

Twice x Reader [Oneshots] Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin