Tzuyu x M Reader || Date? Part 2

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"I'm so glad you agreed to go on a date with me," You said, swinging Tzuyu's hand as you guys walked along the pathway.

"Well, the entire Netflix and Chill idea is sounding quite good to be though..." Tzuyu dragged her voice on, smiling cutely at you, scrunching up her cheeks and nuzzling her head into your shoulders. You smiled at her, patting her lightly on the head and kissing the top of it. "We're already here, if that makes you happy"

Stepping up on the stairs and unlocking your door, Tzuyu removed her shoes and stepped into your house, where it had a peaceful aura. Dimly litted, but still a sense of a homly home. Plomping herself onto the brown couch, where the television was, Tzuyu started making herself at home, knowing that she could be herself when she was with you, and you didn't mind it at all. What was yours, was also Tzuyu's. Somehow, you guys had gotten so close over these few days that you had already established the foundation of a good friendship, which of course, you hoped would blossom into something more than that.

"I love your house, it just has such a warm and nice feeling to it," Tzuyu complimented, as you beamed. You were the one who came up with this interior design, and having Tzuyu compliment it meant the world to you. You walked over to Tzuyu after placing your bag down on one of the kitchen chairs, to see her stretching her neck.

"Argh... my back aches and so does my neck, its definitely due to dance I presume - all those stretches and flips really have been pretty tedious..." Tzuyu grumbled, masssaging her own neck. "Here, let me," You offered to massage her, as she gathered up all her hair and tied it into a ponytail, so that it wouldn't affect the massage.

"Thank you Y/N, you're so sweet sometimes," Tzuyu let out, before positioning herself onto her stomach, and her arms underneath her head as she relaxed her muscles. You started off with her neck, slowly massaging it, pressing with both thumbs on the centre of it, before working your way down to her back area, where the muscles seemed to be more tense.

"You know.." she started off, as you worked your way lower on her back. "Why can't all guys be as sweet as you?"

"Because some of them are just plain jerks, a real pain in the butt they are," You truthfully said, patting her hair as she sat up straight, facing you. "Some of them just don't understand the pain women have to go through. Women definitely go through way more pains than men, and its so stupid how women have to gain the respect from men. We should all respect one another, regardless of our race, or religion"

"Wow, Y/N," Tzuyu said, snuggling into you as you put your hand around her. "Never knew you felt so strongly about this," She said, pecking you on the cheek. You blushed, knowing that Tzuyu had never made the 'first move' in kissing you, as you moved yourself closer to her. "Guess thats something I feel really strongly about"

"I've found a new thing to admire you about then," Tzuyu said, looking up to you with that cute little face. Sure, this wasn't exactly the date you had wanted to bring her out on, but she was contented with just spending time with you, with you alone. All that mattered was you to her, and she wouldn't trade you for the world.

"So... does this mean we're official now?" You asked her, booping her little nose. "What do you think?" she asked, giggling, before capturing your lips.

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