Mina x F Reader || Protector

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Mina looked over to her cuddly girlfriend, who was engulfed in the pillows stacked on top of her by the members. She had a smile, as she watched the younger girl continue sleeping, as if nothing had ever happened.

Slowly, she removed the pillows, threw them across the room, and intertwined her hands with her girlfriend, laying down and resting in her warmth.

Mina's presence was all that was needed for Y/N to wake up, as groggily, she looked over to see Mina resting peacefully by her side, clinging onto her left arm.

"You're awake?" Mina asked and Y/N nodded, still a little sleepy. College was exhausting, and this was one of the rare times where Mina and Y/N could have time to themselves, just cuddling.

Y/N brought their intertwined hands up to her mouth, and kissed them lightly, making Mina's heart flutter. Y/N smiled, seeing the effect she had on Mina, before she rested an arm around Mina, pulling her closer to her.

Mina rested her head onto Y/N's chest, looking up to Y/N curiously, smiling as their hands still interlocked together, maintaining sweet eye contact.

"I can't believe Twice is having another comeback... it feels like More and More was just last month... don't overwork yourself, okay honey?" Y/N said, staring into Mina's eyes dreamily. Mina could only nod, touched by how Y/N was always so caring towards her.

"We haven't had time to ourselves for a long while, do you want to go out somewhere?" Mina suggested and Y/N pursed her lips, thinking of a suitable place to go.

"A walk in the park sounds good enough, just to relax yourself before promotions for your next comeback, okay?" Y/N suggested, and Mina nodded her head, preparing to get up of bed, when Y/N stopped her with a back hug.

"Hmm?" Mina hummed, leaning back into Y/N's warmth and gently stroking her hair. Y/N snuggled up to Mina, leaning small kisses along her neck, gently sucking on it.

"Hey, watch that mouth of yours, remember about my comeback," Mina giggled, leaving Y/N with a pout, still deprived of kisses from Mina.

Y/N stood up next to her, looking down onto Mina who was a few inches shorter, as Mina began selecting her outfit. Y/N took Mina by surprise when she pinned Mina to the wall of their room, no doubt her girlfriend was surprised.

She studied Mina's lips carefully, as Mina closed her eyes and Y/N connected their lips together, kissing in sync. This was the feeling they both had been craving for weeks on end, and now their cravings were satisfied.

Y/N's hand ran up and down Mina's arm, stroking her gently, as Mina shivered. They disconnected, with heavy breaths, as Y/N planted one last kiss onto Mina's forehead, smirking.

"I'll leave you be to change alone. Just call me if you need help..." Y/N winked and Mina pushed her out, giggling.


"A walk in the park sounds easy... but we have to take a bus there?" Mina's giggle was pleasant to the ear, as Y/N rested her hand onto her girlfriends thigh.

"This park is kinda far away... and plus, if we go to the one near the dorm, the members are for sure going to stalk us. Do you remember the last time?" Y/N asked, and Mina shook her head, grinning at her girlfriend, knowing that this was something she would never live down for as long as she lived.

"Do I really have to say it again?" Y/N groaned and Mina smiled, pinching her cheek.

"We were at the park, and I just got a little needy-"

"A little?" Mina asked, her eyes widening in the choice of words, shaking her head. "Not a little, very! You were practically pouncing onto me, and we were in a public place too!" She stated, and Y/N groaned, leaning back in her seat. Mina giggled at how cute Y/N could be, before intertwining their hands together and resting her head onto Y/N's shoulder.

"Now this is a position I'd like to stay in for a long while," Y/N replied, caressing Mina's soft hair, staring into her beloved eyes.

"Don't get too needy now," Mina had a little smirk onto her face, as Y/N let out another frustrated groan.

The bus stopped, and many alighted, with some entering the bus. A few males headed to the back, where Mina scooted over to Y/N, as the males squeezed themselves to the back of the bus. Y/N rolled her eyes, out of the many seats to pick from, they just had the audacity to sit at the back, right next to her girlfriend as well.

A guy was eyeing Mina down, like a hungry predator to its prey, and that was when Mina's worried eyes met Y/N's. The grasp in their hands got tighter, as Y/N interlocked her left hand with Mina's, wrapping her right hand around Mina, shooting a death glare to the male beside Mina. Returning Y/N's affection, Mina leaned onto her shoulder, their thighs touching together, in desperate attempt to get away from this guy.

The guy simply rolled his eyes, before faking a yawn and landing a hand onto Mina's thigh, causing her to shiver a little, and for Y/N to feel it.

"Let's exchange places, it's better for you to sit there, if he does anything to you, he won't live it down-" Y/N's venom in her voice scared Mina a little, as they hastily changed places, interlocking their hands together. Mina being squeezed to the window of the bus, while Y/N and the male had a staring contest, to see who would back down first.

The bus stopped, and that was their cue to go, as Y/N pulled Mina's hand slowly and gently, down the steps and out of the bus, where Y/N's glare towards the man didn't go unnoticed by Mina, who smiled in admiration, as she was taken aback by the hug Mina enveloped her in.

"What's that for, Princess?" Y/N asked, kissing the top of Mina's head gently, holding her.

"For being my protector, I wanna stay with you forever, just the two of us," Mina said, as they looked at each other with love in their eyes.

"I love you so much, you don't even know," Y/N's voice almost sounded like a whisper, as they pulled down their masks and locked their lips together, moving their lips in sync, as Y/N got a little bit needy here and there, but being a young college girl - you know.

Y/N's hands cupped Mina's cheeks, and Mina's head was thrown back from the pleasure she was receiving, and quiet moans came out of her mouth, instantly causing her to have a pink blush onto her cheeks.

"And... cut! Good take girls!" They separated from each other and pulled up their masks when they heard all too familiar voices... as if it was the voices of-

"Damn it, I'm never going to live this one down too am I?" Y/N covered her face with her hands, as the members emerged from the bushes, laughing, while Mina and Y/N could only blush in return.

"Whatever, at least now you girls know how much I love Mina," the latter grinned foolishly, and Mina slapped her girlfriend's arm lightly, smiling, pulling her into a waist hug, with Mina clinging onto Y/N's waist, and Y/N wrapping her hand around Mina, like a proud girlfriend would.

"Yeah, and we got it all on tape. This is better than any drama!" Nayeon said enthusiastically, smiling.

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