Tzuyu x M Reader || Birthday

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"I'm serious, I really don't know what to get her," Y/N stated, as they walked by stores and stores of plush toys.

"Just get her something common. Doesn't she adore stuff toys, especially puppies?" Doyoung commented, as the both of them walked by another store, filled with plush toys. "Yeah, like this"

"Yeah, but I want it to be special"

"Ask her what she wants then"

"What?! I can't even have a proper conversation, or make eye contact with her, let alone text her!" Y/N replied, whipping out his phone and showing him and Tzuyu's conversation, which was obviously clear and blank.

"Okay then, if you're not going to text her, I will!" Doyoung exclaimed, snatching the phone away from Y/N.

"Hey! Don't do that," Y/N retaliated, snatching it back, only to find that Doyoung had already sent Tzuyu a message.

"You said hi?"

"It's the most simple thing anyone can say to start up a conversation," he replied, picking up the plastic bag that was containing an enormous stuff toy dog.

"You deleted the message?"

"Yeah, obviously. I wouldn't know how to start a conversation with her after she replied," Y/N said, stuffing his phone back into his jeans pocket.

"Hurry up, we don't have much time. Select a present for Tzuyu"

"Don't rush me, I'm taking my time"

The two boys entered a book store, as they began browsing the books on sale.

"You know what? I'll get her this plushie and a notebook.." Y/N said, grabbing the plushie and the sparkly white notebook.

" Y/N said, grabbing the plushie and the sparkly white notebook

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"That's huge, Y/N. Are you sure you wanna spend all your money on that?"

"Don't worry, I'll still have cash left," he replied, a blue card emerging from his wallet. "I'll pay by card, thank you"


"Well, someone sure has a lot of money to be going around and spending $40 on that plushie, with a $10 notebook," Doyoung said, entering the condominium along with Y/N, who was struggling to carry the fat plushie.

"Oh yeah, the price tag," Y/N said, ripping it off and throwing it into a nearby dustbin. "And also, could you do me a favor and pass these gifts to Tzuyu?"

"What? You're seriously that shy, too shy to go and give it yourself? Aren't you always crazy when you're with us?"

"I-It's different. I don't know, I just can't make myself look her straight in the eye. I-I guess she's just t-too pretty.." Y/N mumbled the last part.

"Anyways, we should probably wait out here, I see many of her relatives inside already," Doyoung said, placing his stuff on the poolside table.

"You know what? I'm gonna write her a letter, just a happy birthday letter," Y/N said, taking a pen from his bag and flipping to the first page of the notebook.

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