Nayeon x F Reader || Happiness

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There is only one happiness in life, and that is to be loved

I feel like I can't give you happiness, the happiness you've been searching for your entire life..

But I'm willing to try, if you would accept my offer


"But.. what if he doesn't like me?"

"I'm sure he'll like you! You're the most likable person I know!"

"Aww, Y/N. You don't have to say a lie to make me feel better.."

"I'm serious, Nayeon. I really think that he'll like you for you!"

"I really hope that this will work out, unlike my other relationships, you know?"

Yeah, I knew. Nayeon had been cheated on, she had been made broken-hearted so many times because of those disloyal guys...

"Alright then, I'll get going first, okay? See you later, Y/N!" Nayeon said as she picked up her velvet red color bag and strolled our of the house.

"Okay! See you, Nayeon!" I bid her a goodbye as she left into the taxi that I had called for her.

Nayeon was my childhood friend when I was growing up, and she was always eager to find real love.

She wanted to know what was love all about, and when she would find it one day.

When we were younger, she would often tell me about how her boyfriend would be like to her.


"Y/N, I wonder.. what is love?"

"Hm, what do you mean?"

"Like, they say that when you experience true love, you smile all day, and it just makes your entire world become so colorful!" She said, her hands drawing a rainbow in the air.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe it's like Mummy and Daddy love?"

"Well, when I grow up, my boyfriend is going to be the best person in the world!"


Ah, good times.

I guess her eagerness to know what love really felt like made her rush into these relationships all too quickly, as she was constantly either getting into a relationship, or getting out of one.

Because of that, many guys took the opportunity to break her heart. They found her an easy prey, and I can't tell you how many times I had to help her.

Yeah, it seemed hard, having to protect someone constantly from getting hurt over and over again. But when you truly love that person, your willing to do anything for them, am I right?

Yep. I had a crush on my best friend. As cliche as it may sound, she was just.. well, perfect in my world.

I didn't mind having to help her again and again.

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