Jihyo x F Reader || Missing Puzzle Piece

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There's this part of my heart that hasn't been filled still

It's still incomplete, I don't know what to do, or how to fill it in

Me finding out what was wrong has been a puzzle on its on, I don't know where to begin, where it ends, or how I even start

But ever since I met you, I realized that you are the beautiful, amazing, puzzle piece made to fill up my heart to be a whole

My heart itself was a puzzle I couldn't figure out, but you were the missing puzzle piece to fill up that empty, broken part of my heart

With everything that you've done for me,

For you being the one who supported me when I was at my worst.

For you always being the first one to ask me what was wrong when you yourself was hurting inside.

For you being like a 'mother' to not only me and to your members.

For you always giving your 100% in anything that you do, working harder everyday.

I love you.

And that'll never change.

- (Y/N)

Jihyo took a look at that beige envelope sealed on the top of her bed stand, opening it with tentativeness. She didn't know what would be inside.

Opening it up to see the yellowish paper, she handled it with care, reading each word.

Biting her lips to prevent the tears from falling down one by one.

But she finally choked when she read the last two stanzas.

Those crystal like tears were falling one by one, as she reached over to get a piece of tissue to wipe away.

She wasn't crying because she was missing Y/N

But simply because those words had touched her heart.

Y/N came into the room, looking at the crying Jihyo. Despite the dimness in the room, with the curtains closed and the lights off, she could tell that her girlfriend was crying, as she sat down on the bed beside her, patting her on the back.

"Don't cry anymore, I'm here," she said with a quiet voice, enveloping her into a hug, which was eventually returned.

Wiping away her tears which were coming down quicker and quicker, she looked up at the girl whom she loved so dearly.

"I love you too," she returned the affection to her.


I love you.

I think the main reason that I've always felt so lost and lonely

Was because I couldn't find out who I really was

Meeting you was the greatest thing I've ever done

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