Part 29..

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 "Hey Dumbass, Denki deadass embarrassed me in front of his friends and my body is burning up. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT! AGH! BUT WHY DID IT FEEL GOOD? AM I OKAY? AND THEN MY PRAISING KINK CAME IN I- AGHDIHBW!!!!! After that experience, I will simply be passing away. I also realized he wears chokers and TELL ME WHY HE LOOKS HOT?! I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE GUY YET HE'S SO DAMN HOT! I FEEL SO WEIRD AROUND HIM AND AGH TOO MUCH HAPPENED!!!"

"I ALSO DAYDREAMED THAT HE WAS KISSING MY NECK AND AGH I WAS EVEN MOANING HIS NAME! WHAT THE FUCK MAN! I- SKDUCGVW!!! Anyway, it was really hot and now I can't look at him without feeling weird! IT LITERALLY JUST HAPPENED A FEW MINUTES AGO ALL THAT I JUST TOLD YOU HAS HAPPENED TODAY! Denki makes me feel good...I think I'm falling for him..." You wrote down on your diary and placed it under your pillow and grabbed your phone quickly.

Just as you were looking for your friend's contact as an incoming call shown on your phone. You sighed harshly and looked at your ex's name that made your phone vibrate. "I shouldn't answer." You kept on telling yourself until your phone stopped ringing. "I hate you so much, yet I somehow I miss that's so toxic haha." You said to yourself as you had small flashbacks of good memories you made with your ex that made you smile just a bit before you shook your head.

"No. Don't even think of him. Think of Denk-. Wait, no. Ugh. Hm?" You said as a message of your ex showed on your notifications. "Can we please talk? It's about my mom." You read out loud as you felt your heart pounding as you began to feel sick. "Fuck, I haven't check on her ever since the breakup." You said to yourself as you remembered the last time you saw her she was still in the hospital bed. "I should call him..." You said as your thumb was hovering on your ex's contact.

𝙸 𝚆𝚊𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗' 𝚈𝚘𝚞...Where stories live. Discover now