Part 73...

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"If you wanted to murder me you could have said so instead of driving for hours in the middle of nowhere!" Denki said while you added more gas to your car while your right hand was on the stick shift. Denki began to feel nervous by how fast you went as he held onto the handle that was provided on top of him. "I want to take you somewhere. You remind me of a certain flower." You said smiling softly at the road which made Denki's heart pound like crazy. "A a rose..?" Denki asked.

"No, that's basic. You're much more than that. Give me your hand." You asked Denki who gave you his left hand while you looked at him and grabbed it so you could place it on the stick shift. Denki looked at his hand and then back at you infatuated with the small little act that made him smile. "You make my heart flutter so much I think I might get a heart attack." Denki admitted loudly and immediately close his mouth because he realized he said it out loud. "That's good to know." You said teasingly.

A few minutes have passed and you were reaching the destination but asked Denki to close his eyes since you wanted it to be a surprise. Denki agreed and did as you said while you were looking for a place to park on the side of the road. "Can I open them now?" Denki asked while you shook your head and said no making Denki sigh harshly at your answer. You parked the car and got out so you could walk to his side of the door. Denki finally got out of the car as you lead him to what he felt was grass?

"Open your eyes." You asked Denki who quickly did as you said and saw you standing in the middle of a sunflower field that made you glow. "Wow..." Denki said quietly to himself he wasn't admiring the sunflowers instead it was you. He placed his hand on his heart and began to feel the electricity spark out of his body while you walked towards him. "This is amazing! So I remind you of a sunflower!" Denki said smiling brighter than the sunflowers around him. "Yeah..." you said admiring Denki's sweet smile that was just made for you.

" you said admiring Denki's sweet smile that was just made for you

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𝙸 𝚆𝚊𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗' 𝚈𝚘𝚞...Where stories live. Discover now