Part 64...

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You looked up at Denki who was craving your lips for the longest time and you couldn't help but look at his lips. They looked so soft yet you also wanted a taste of him. "Can I kiss you?" You asked Denki who became a flustered mess but tried to cough it off. "W-well of course you can! I would never deny yo-...mmm..." Denki was cut off as you grabbed his face and kissed him like this was going to be your last kiss you'd ever get with anyone else. Denki closed his eyes and enjoyed every single second.

While in the kiss Denki pulled you in so you two could be closer as he grabbed your hips. The way both your lips were in sync made you think that he was the one for you, he was the one that you wanted to truly be with. You felt all your stress and emotions get thrown out the door at Denki's kiss that made you melt for him. Denki didn't even lay a single finger on any other places that would ruin the moment because he wanted to show you that he isn't the perv that you perceived him as before.

You broke the kiss and looked at Denki who smiled like an idiot who felt like he just got his first kiss but little did you know...that was his first kiss but was never going to tell you that. "Wow...that was a really good kiss..." you said smiling at Denki who was blushing at the fact he just shared his first kiss with you."y-yeah that really was huh...?" Denki asked as you cupped his face and kissed his cute little nose making him feel fireworks explode in his body but you saw little electric bolts bursting from his body.

"Are you okay?" You asked Denki who probably just short circuited. Denki began to mumble weird noises making you think that you broke him. (That was too cute...) Denki thought to himself as the little kiss made him go crazy. "Denki!" You said as he somehow snapped out of it and recovered like it never even happened. "I want you to be mine, please say you'll be mine..." Denki pleaded because what you two had during this summer he didn't want to let go of it anytime soon because he really felt that you two had a connection.

𝙸 𝚆𝚊𝚜 𝙼𝚊𝚍𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗' 𝚈𝚘𝚞...Where stories live. Discover now