Ch. 38 Maybe this was a mistake

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"In tents, silly. Tsu's family has a bunch we can borrow. We were talking about it before class started, so I think everyone agreed to go except you and Bakugo since...."

"We were late."

Uraraka looked uncomfortable. "Yeah."

"So... When you said everyone in the class agreed to go, do you mean everyone-everyone?" I asked, hoping they would get my hint.

Tsu and Uraraka exchanged a look.

"Yes, Shinso said he was coming," Tsu answered.

She doesn't miss a thing, does she?

"Then maybe it's best if I don't. Guys, everything is so awkward with him right now."

"Or maybe this will be a good opportunity to get away from everything here and clear the air?" Uraraka suggested.

I sighed. Maybe they were right. Looking around I saw Kirishima having a similar conversation with Katsuki.

Maybe it would be good to be distracted from everything for a little while. I hadn't heard from Hawks in awhile anyway, so there was no movement on that front. It couldn't hurt to get away for the weekend and do something sort of fun.

I told the girls that I would go and they promised to text me the details later. Meanwhile I caught up with Katsuki in the hallway.

"You ready to rough it this weekend?" I asked him as we walked.

Katsuki smirked back at me. "Baby, I'm always rough." 

Endeavor was sitting behind his desk. He'd asked me to come by the new office on my way home from UA, but I'd been sitting in the chair in front of him for awhile. He was shuffling papers and doing everything but look at me. On some level it seemed like he was purposefully ignoring me and making me wait to talk to him. It wouldn't have shocked me if that was the case at least.

Finally he stopped doing whatever he was doing.

"Do you remember when I first found you?" he asked.

"Not really. I was a mess. I try not to think about those days."

"You were so... helpless. Needy. Eager."

"Wow, don't lay the compliments on so thick."

"Eager to please me, eager to take on this job. You were so lucky that I happened to find you in the hospital. Imagine if I hadn't? You had nothing. No family. Nowhere to live. The house you were living in had literally burned to the ground."

"What's your point?"

Endeavor just kept talking. "All of the girls you lived with were dead. Except for a few that had been in the same area of the house as you. You were lucky there too."

"Look, thanks for the happy little trip down nostalgia lane, but if there's nothing else to talk about, I'm gonna go."

"It was almost too perfect. I wanted you, and I knew I could have you. So I pitched the idea of having someone on the inside at UA to the Public Safety Commission. From there it was too easy. You were happy to have a role to play then. But now... "

"Now what?"

"Now I wonder if this was all a mistake."

He tossed an envelope across his desk at me.

"Open that."

I opened the enveloped and dumped out the contents. Pictures fell out, scattering over the desk. Lots of pictures.

"Oh shit," was all I could say as I saw them.

"What the fuck, y/n?"

"That is not what it looks like."

"It looks like you and Hawks making out on a roof somewhere."

Fair enough.

"And you sitting at a table with Hawks at a strip club."

"Okay, so that is kinda what it is," I admitted.

"What were you doing with him at a strip club?"

"I... I was... I can't tell you."

Endeavor stood up from his desk and came around to stand in front of me. I knew he was tall, but when he was that close, he felt really, really tall.

"You. You're keeping secrets. From me? That's rich."

My mind started racing thinking back through these nights. There was one common denominator in all of this. Hawks.

"Where did you even get these photos? Endeavor, you have to look more closely at Hawks. Something doesn't add up with him."

"Don't try to shift blame to him. I already know what he's capable of. But you. How could you be so careless? If reporters get these pictures... As soon as reporters get your name, you're not going to be able to escape the tabloids. You're basically useless as a spy now."


"You heard me. I should have known that this wouldn't work."

I stood up and took a deep breath. "You know what? I am so sick of this."

"Excuse me?"

"Let's get this straight," I said, courage building up. "You need me. Don't act like you don't. Who else do you even have? Without me, what leads are you working on? I'm guessing none. So don't even pretend like I'm some unimportant extra. It's not like you could get Shoto to tell you anything."

I felt a hand smack straight across my face.

I knew that my words had probably hit a nerve, which is exactly why I said them.

Putting my hand to my face, I felt a small sting, but it faded quickly. I faced Endeavor, my eyes full of rage.

"I'm leaving," I said.

"You can't leave. I own you. I say what's going to happen. You think that you mean something to me? You mean nothing. You're a nice piece of ass, but you are replaceable."

I just shook my head. "No."

"You don't get to say no to me." 

"Actually I do. One last thing," I said, grabbing my purse and phone, "but this is something you probably already know."

"What's that?"

"Shoto's more of a hero than you'll ever be."

With that I walked out, slamming the office door behind me. I had survived on my own before and I could do it again.  I didn't have a plan, I was just walking, as far as I could go.

Once I had a minute to breathe, the questions started rolling in.

If I quit, where would I live? I guess school was out of the question. Realistically, if I got out of this arrangement, what was I going to do for money? For food?

I hated him.

And I hated myself for relying on him.

You know who else I hated right about now? Hawks. 

It was time for a conversation. 

A Spy Among Them (ShinsoxBakugoxDabixAizawaxReader and more..)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu