Hidaki's Return part 13 Part 59

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 Hidaki quickly swerves to the right of Skip's fist aiming for his face, Alix kicks him in the chest leaving an indention in his left peck. Hidaki sweeps around with robust force, both girls resume their pace to keep up with their opposer. Hidaki rakes his claws over Ikki's back.

 "Ack." Ikki grits her teeth enduring a stinging pain to her flesh.  She quickly bobs then weaves Hidaki's wriggling tail that had a blade on the end.  His tail wags vigorously while he fistfights the young warriors.

  Just inches away from cutting ikki's throat the blade sweeps past her wrinkled neck, it nearly sliced her esophagus in two, Ikki ducks in a nick of time.

" Yaaah."  Hidaki slings his nunchucks hammering the ground lifting rocks and debris trying to hit  Alix and skip. He fervently dodges several fists, He belts Alix in the face, Skip appears above him with her arms raised ready to hit him with an overhead smash. With both her hands clenched together Skip was eager to gash his head in. Hidaki flings his glowing nunchucks at his graceful foe. She teleports, then returns as swiftly as she left.

"Berserker surger buster," Skip says sternly. She wallops Hidaki with great force, it looked as if every bone in his body had been contorted. Her attack nearly pulled the flesh off his bones as  Hidaki spindles wildly across the river bank.

 "Look out," Alix shouts.

 Like a boomerang of death Hidaki's weapon loops about the marsh area at an accelerating speed. 

"Make haste," Skip says sternly.

 Hidaki's nunchucks follow in hot pursuit of the teens creating a whirlwind behind the fighters.  Alix hauls herself to the left landing in the grass dodging Hidaki's nunchucks as they swing by. His demonic weapon swoops down aiming for Skip, the lithe warrior gracefully leaps to the right evading the attack.

It was a difficult task for Alix and Skip to hide from Hidaki's weapon, his demonic nunchucks could sense their aura energy.  

 Hidaki sits slumped in the high grass with his face profusely bleeding from his pores. 

"Yaaahhh." Hidaki pounds the ground causing stones and gravel to lift from the earth's crust. He punches large stones aiming for his opposers

Alix scurries in the opposite direction of her comrade, Skip strides away with a slight bounce as Hidaki's nunchucks whirl about moving in a looping motion.  Ikki grabs her stick out of her holster from behind. He's down, now to end this. Ikki thinks to herself. She extends her arm to chuck her staff like a spear aiming for Hidaki's bloody body.

 "Bolt shocker," Ikki shouts, Her staff illuminates with aura power. Stones from a  distance bombard the hag before she could toss her weapon. A large stone flying at high speed slams her in the abdomen.  

"Oof, " Ikki grunts.  

Ikki is hurled into the air,  airborne, Her decrepit body is whacked her from behind. The old lady and Hidaki's fatal weapon collide.


Glowing nunchucks whirl past the fighters leaving Ikki behind.

Alix and Skip watch Ikki's bo spin away rolling into the high grass nearby. Skip's deadpan expression was no more, a devastated look conquered the agile fighter's face.

 "Grandmother," Skip cries out. 

A bellowing voice filled Alix's ears, her face was shocked, Alix felt her stomach jolt with a pain out of fear. The pinkette peers in the direction she heard the scream.

There Ikki stood a stone statue.

Skip rushes to her Grandmother. 

" I was judgmental, this duel has become cataclysmic," Skip says worried.

"Oh grandmother," Skip says tracing the stone edges of the statue with her delicate fingers.

"Hey, are ya gonna take me seriously now, you bird brain biotches." Hidaki has a hardy laugh. 

Skip glares at the monster, Alix furrows her brows at Hidaki. 

"We're gonna get you back to normal," Alix says trying to figure out some way to console her lover, But at a time like this, the only way to calm Skip's nerves would be to defeat this foe. Alix thought.

In the blink of an eye Hidaki's weapon returns to him like a boomerang, Hidaki catches his nunchucks. He holds the pair of nunchucks up as if to tease the girls.

"You dumb kids are gonna need these to help her," Hidaki says then cackles. He grimaces at the girls with piercing yellow eyes.

"Ready or not rookies here I come,"  Hidaki says then snorts. 

He charges both girls leaving behind rubble with every step he took. Hidaki stomps at full speed creating small voids where ever he steps, like a steam roller he nearly mows the girls over. Alix and Skip charge him head on.

Hidaki vigorously slashes at his opponents, Both teens bob and weave his thrusting knuckles, fists are thrown rapidly between the three warriors as they move about the field all at once. Skip blocks Hidaki's foot kicking constantly at her face and legs, She swerves to the right avoiding contact with his thrusting jabs. Alix performs a roundhouse kick bashing Hidaki in the side of his face, he staggers slightly then gains his balance quickly.

Horns protrude from Hidaki's head like a bull, he rears his head up trying to hook Alix as if he was trying to hook a matador. Alix dodges her foe then raises her fist, in seconds her hands heat up with aura power and she performs an attack. 

"Fire shot," Alix shouts.

 " Arrrrgghh,"  Hidaki growls.

 Hidaki blocks her flames with his arm enduring the burn. He scratches Alix across her chest tearing her hyper gear suit,  like a bullet Hidaki's elbow guts her in the stomach sending her to the ground. Hidaki lifts his brute gargoyle foot to stomp the girl. Skip knees him in the spine thwarting his attack.

 "ARRRGH,"  Hidaki groans. He rears back in agony away from Alix.

  Like a knife Hidaki's tail stabs at Skip before she could  dodge his attack, he cuts her with his wriggling blade, he hacks away at the lithe girl. Hidaki cuts every inch of her, his blades are a blur vehemently slashing across her body. He was moving incredibly fast Skip could not teleport in enough time while the demon fighter pierces her flesh. Shreds of her hyper gear suit are sprinkled about the marsh area as her lifeless body falls toward the ground.

"Screw this," Hidaki says. He belts Skip in the mouth while her body is in mid-air upside down, blood gushes from between the teen's lips from Hidaki's strong punch to her chest. Skip rapidly spins out of control unable to catch her balance. 

How can I make this battle a little easier, I know I'll take out the weakest fighter then I'll have fewer fighters to deal with. Hidaki shoots a large black claw right at Ikki.

"This will end the old fart's life," Hidaki says then cackles, He hurls a claw towards  Ikki who was a stone statue, he shoots his dagger claw attack to break it. 

"No, Grandmother,"  Skip shouts, she lays on the ground covered in cuts. 

A deadly claw aims for the stone statue, In seconds Ikki would be destroyed losing her life like a gargoyle at dawn.

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