Always/ Beautiful Morning with You(epilogue)part 123 END

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part 123

Alix slowly opens her eyes laying flat on her stomach in the grass with her face buried in her arms. A slight aching pain plagues her body, her head felt hazy and the battle seemed like a bad dream. Alix places a hand on her forehead feeling a small bruise. She could feel her head pounding, it felt like she had a hangover. She runs her fingers through her matted pink hairs wiping away leaves, dirt, and grass.

She could see the sun rising as the pain that plagued her body subsided, Alix peers up and could see that Hexagore was no longer black and slimy the monster appeared dusty and gray, it had become solid stone.

Alix tries to get up slowly feeling like she had tumbled down a flight of stairs, her body ached all over as if she had spent a day vigorously exercising at the gym. She forces herself to move placing both hands on the ground lifting herself up a few inches.

Skip, Skip, wheres Skip? Alix thought peering around the clearing that was silent, it seemed not a sound stirred, the rebel began to hear signs of life again when chirping started to fill her ears, birds in the nearby trees sing a song of mirth, chirping, and cooing. Alix could feel damp grass under her bare midriff, she squints as a luminous warm light evades her view. She could see the sun continuing to rise as a pink sky was slowly transcending into a clear blue, the sunlight starts to shower a warm glow upon the teen as she lay in the field.

Skip, wheres Skip? That was the only thought that occupied her young mind. In a panic,  Alix quickly pulls herself to her feet. Alix runs about the field in search of her classmate.

She places a hand beside her mouth.

"Skipper, Skipper," Alix yells rushing through the open field ignoring the high grass tickling her bare bruised legs.

OH god, Skipper can't be dead, but that monster was sucking the life out of her. 

Alix peers from side to side but there was no sign of her lover. She could only see grass and trees for miles with a dirt road in the distance. Tears began to fill her eyes just with the mere thought that Skipper was dead.

I've got to stay strong for Skip even if she is dead. Alix thought. 

 She hustles a little further out into the clearing, She could see how deep the trench was that the monster made out front of their home. Alix steps around the void and continues to search for her girlfriend trying to remain calm, she could still feel the panic rising in her chest while melancholy evaded her mind with thoughts of death. She feared the worst.

Alix cringes while trying to control her breathing feeling as if she was hyperventilating, there she could see Skipper face down in the grass not moving an inch, her body a lifeless doll laying on the ground with her back to the sky. Alix pictures the dreadful thought letting her imagination run wild. She peers straight ahead trying to stay focused while pushing herself to rid her mind of the terrible sight.


She heard a soft voice to her right, there she saw Skipper on the ground sitting up with her pajama top covered in dried black blood, Skipper peers down noticing a tiny hole where the needle had pierced her flesh, She watches it close up as if it was never there.

Alix stands paralyzed filled with ecstasy, she rubs her eyes then blinks twice acting as if Skipper was a mirage and she had been lost in the desert for days, Alix gazes lovingly as the corners of her lips turn up. There the teen stood smiling wide. Alix couldn't control herself, she bolts for her girlfriend. Alix pounces on Skipper knocking them both to the ground.

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