Love the Art of War pt23 Part 90

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Love the art of war pt23 part 90

Alix thrusts her lover back and forth shaking her violently, Skip's penny loafers are dragged through the dirt, she felt as if she were caught in a whirlwind by the enraged delinquent, her slender arms spring forward pressing her hands against the rebel's bosoms ,Alix could feel a light tap to her chest, she pushes Skip to the ground then tugs the blue-haired runt forward pulling her to her feet , Alix was still grasping her lover's white blouse while she was ferociously infuriated with rage.

Skip is hauled to the ground by her girlfriend then nabbed by her shirt and hurled backwards, her gangly legs become weak as she loses her balance, she almost stumbles over her own feet, Alix pulls her up before she could hit the dirt. She grimaces at the blue-haired girl. Skip was no match for the feral beast that was her comrade, Alix looms over the bluenette, her grasp was tighter than a sailor's knot.

 Nimble fingers glide across sunkissed hands, but no use , Alix was too strong she could not peel the infuriated rebel's hands away from her blouse, Skip manages to speak while being flung around like a rag doll. "Get off, you incompliant twit." Skip hisses,  she felt overpowered at this point with her back pressed into the dirt, she felt pressure applied as if she was being pressed down by a vise,  Alix pins the puny bluenette to the grass, her arms were like steel they could not be moved, Skip could not stray from her grip.

Alix held on to her lithe lover peering into icy blue eyes, her nostrils flare with her eyes fixated on Skip, who she felt was a self absorbed ass, "Your gonna stop being a protectore, so your just giving up already, what are you gonna do just let Evil Seed win." Blue strands of hair cover her comrade's face. Alix stands huffing, she closes her eyes while yelling. "You're so selfish."  Skip peers away from her girlfriend letting her body go limp. Alix glares into her lover's eyes, Icy blue eyes avoid contact.

A crisp white blouse now stained with dirt is clenched by sunkissed hands once again. Skip yanked to her feet,  she pants trying to catch her breath. "Say something dammit," Alix screams as she forces Skip through a pair of double doors which lead into the school hallway.

Rose pokes her head outside a classroom door. "Aye whats all the commotion out here?" She scolds, her voice gruff. Alix stands clutching Skip by her shirt collar while the lissome girl's back is pressed to the linoleum floor. "Hey you two quit wasting time mouthing off and get to class," Rose demands.

Alix freezes hearing the gruff voice while holding Skip by the collar.

Skip gets to her feet, her palms thrust against her peer's chest. " I have the right to exercise my autonomy." Skip walks off. Alix stands flabbergasted. "Skip you can't do this, you coward." Alix yells.

Rose screams from an open classroom. "Quiet and get to class now, I mean it you two not another word or you'll get a detention for being tard..." Ack, Skip ambles by nonchalantly, she places her slender hand with poise on a smooth wooden door,  then slams the door shut on the military brat. Rose's words are cut short as a door smacks her sunburned face. Skip turns to Alix with grace, her thin lips tight , she glares at her classmate. "Say what you will." Her tone callous.

Alix shakes her head in disapproval. "I'm outta here." She disappears into the distance beyond the academy's courtyard which was littered with reddish brownish leaves. Skip strides through the double doors to the courtyard. An Autumn breeze rustles through her blue silky locks as she watches the pinkette trudge through bushes into the distance.

Skip peers up toward the sky. "I apologize." She says in a whisper.

Skip felt awful, even guilty that she was choosing to continue her educational career rather than deal with her problemataic relationship or Evil Seed. Our relationship is quite burdensome, but why do I still feel like I need her? Skip questions herself.

Later that day a group of council students meet in a conference room, everyone sits at a redwood conference table with perfect posture, their bodies rigid, their noses in the air. "It has been brought to my attention that there is a rumor going around, students are participating in illegal activities on school grounds," Belladonna says.

"But where could they  be doing such  vile things?" A student council member asked.

Belladonna sighs,  "You see, that's the problem we haven't  a clue."

"We must do something to keep the school's reputation clean," Belladonna grumbles. 

"I've heard rumors that delinquents are assembling at a hidden location and breaking the rules." A council student chimes in. Belladonna folds her arms. "Any Ideas?" She asked while her fuchsia eyes dart about the table seeing nothing but blank expressions full the room.

Skip sits beside her colleague also girlfriend with her hand to her cheek.  Sustentation of the academy's reputation has grown weary, Skip thought while she restrains herself from yawning for the second time.

"Those students are such rats, lowly scum. " A gruff voice is heard from the doorway of the conference room.

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