Extra The Test of Love

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The test of Love

Skip was relieved that the school day was over. She was tired of correcting assignments , creating lesson plans and studying for several classes. After she finished her last assignment  and the  academy was  empty she began to pack up her belongings. Skip had already collected forms from all the patrol members who completed their rounds for the day so they had gone home.

Skip could hear thumps and thuds all through the halls, Now that she was promoted to Patrol committee supervisor it was her responsibility to make sure the school was safe for students and that all students abide by the rules when in the halls.

Skip sighs. Now it was her job to investigate the matter.

Skip worries, Belladonna will have my head if the academy receives a bad reputation, its  mandatory that  the environment is appropriate .

She ambles her way to where she heard a sudden noise. It must be my girlfriend and her degenerate friends. Skip turns a corner and sure enough there was Alix and her trouble making  friend.

"What are you shiftless peons doing ?"

Skip could see both girls leaping off the staircase then landing on the floor. They were just horsing around it seemed, nothing serious.

Ran laughs. "Nothing buzzkill." Skip ignores her comment glaring at Alix . 

Why is my girlfriend always like this, a thorn in my side. Its like she does these things to piss me off on purpose. Skip thought.

"Do you mind." Skip walks over to Alix giving Ran a dirty look .

She had  just been  promoted and the last  thing she wanted was Belladonna to be disappointed with her , Alix had the nerve to stay after hours with her friends. It was against the  school  rules   to be in the school at this time.

Skip begins to get   paranoid , why was Alix and Ran together alone ,was Alix trying to cheat? 

"Babe it was nothing." Alix  whines.

"Do not hand me that slang term, babe."

Ran and Alix look at Skip flabbergasted. "What?" Ran turns to Alix your girlfriend is weird . Alix scratches her head . "Yeah thats how she is."

Skip points to Ran. "You need to leave unless you have business here, which is palpable you do not ." Skip's expression was stern and her tone harsh. "Well I guess shes got me." Ran chuckles.

"Come on Skip we weren't doing anything." Alix folds her arms slightly irritated. 

"You could receive an injury, how inept for enjoyment." As if  she was concerned, Skip just wanted to get rid of Ran since she was Alix's Ex girlfriend.

"Hey guys." Asher appears with her hands full. " I got all the student phones to pawn or sell for parts." Everyone turns around.

"Damn. its stiff ass." Asher pouts.

"How did you obtain confiscated property?" Skip was frantic inside but stayed calm. " I'll take those."  Skip took the box from Asher. Asher only refrained from punching Skip because she knew Alix cared for the blue haired sadist.

"Man, I feel sorry for you." Asher says looking at Alix .  

"What do ya mean?" Alix asked. "How do you put up with this jerk. Shes so strict, its vile." Asher cringes.

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