Love the Art of War pt 15 Part 82

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Part 14 part 82

Later that evening Alix and her ex-girlfriend come out of the OK Corral Arcade and stroll down the street. Alix looks up watching a few moths flutter around a lit street lamp.

"Wow time really flew by," Alix says with a disappointed tone.

 Ran grins while peering back at the arcade that still had a lively atmosphere with gamers and consumers crowding the fun center. Ran laughs. 

 "It's still pretty early to call it quits, where do you wanna go now?" The older rebel asked. Alix puts a finger to her chin. 

"Let's see, we could hit up that new fashion store, Fab n Hot."

Ran lowers her eyes at the pink-haired teen. 

" That means five-finger discount time," Ran says while grinning at Alix who laughs.

"Asher would love to be here for this." Ran says then grins. 

 "True, wheres that thief anyway?" Ran asks. 

Alix peers over at her friend. "I think she's seeing someone named Sammi from her boarding school." Alix smiles, she was happy for Asher. Ran smirks.

 "You mean that red-headed devil Asher has a girlfriend, get out, she  finally went soft huh." Ran chuckles with Alix.

 Alix nods, " I'm guessing so, that's probably why she hasn't been around lately." 

Alix takes a gander at her phone after she noticed it was buzzing, She peers at her phone screen seeing a text appear from her mother.

It read: I invited your tutor to dinner since she will be over anyway for your study session, be home by 6:30 pm.

"Oh great," Alix says while scratching her head. Just my luck, mom has no idea Skip and I are fighting, now she's having that twerpy jerk over for dinner. ugh.

Alix thought about Skip's warm soft hand holding on to her's when they were on their first date.  Alix sighs,  She didn't want to admit that she had missed her lover's gentle touch. She hadn't seen her blue-haired babe since that morning when the puny girl was giving her crap on her way to detention.

 Ran glances over at Alix whose face was sagging with melancholy, she appeared to be sulking while engrossed in thought. 

Why must Skip make everything so hard for me?  Alix thought.

She glances at Ran who was looking at her already.

 "It's nothing really. " Alix tried to reassure her friend. Ran gives a tight-lipped smile, she was concerned for her friend, Ran's face was calm with a small smile staring at the rebel. 

 "Is something wrong ?" Ran asks.

"Yeah it's Skip, she means everything to me, but it seems impossible to hear her say such a thing about me," Alix says.

The rebel keeps her eyes on the pavement of the sidewalk, now both girls saunter beside one another as they pass by shops, restaurants, and pedestrians. Ran parts her lips.

" I always say be honest, tell her what you want from her, if you don't your heart will keep wondering," Ran says.

Alix lifts her head slowly as if to sneak a peek at Ran but before she knew it she was gazing into reddish-orange eyes. Alix blushes slightly feeling somewhat flustered but in a good way. A nostalgic feeling of tranquility returned, it reminded her of the days when they use to date. Ran never made her guess like Skip. All her cards were laid out on the table right from the start.

Alix checks her phone for the time, it was ten minutes til 6:30 pm. Alix's eyes pop.

 "I gotta run thanks for the advice," Alix shouts while waving to her former lover. Ran smiles. "Okay, tell me how things go." Ran yells to the sprinting teen.

She watches the pinkette bolt into the distance, Alix turns a corner down a neighborhood street feeling something hard and cold bump her knee.

 "Ow." She stumbles forward almost knocking over a trash can filled to the brim with garbage, she quickly regains her balance and strides away. Ran watches Alix disappear into the darkness of the night.

Ran's smile leaves the corner of her lips and her facial expression becomes stern.

Alix rushes up the driveway to her home,  her residence was a moderate white mansion built from brick with a  large pediment above the entranceway, it had a full-height porch with four massive pillars out front with rounded steps leading to her front door. Alix's estate was a typical neoclassical-style mansion.

Good, I got here before Skip. Alix peers around her lavish front yard with pruned bushes and hedges. She looks upon her front porch where she saw the blue-haired runt sitting on a wicker loveseat with her face buried in a textbook, Alix could tell Skipper was studying. Alix grunts pushing the door open to her home. 

How come nobody let her in? that's right. She remembered that her family could no longer afford maids or butlers.

 Before Alix could take a step inside another foot blocks her's.

 "Well excuse me princess," Alix grumbles. The rebel watches Skip step in front of her basically cutting her off, Skip heads through the door while her Icy blue eyes stay glued to the fine print on a page.  Alix could see her tutor's face was buried in a book making her way through the lavish living room.

In an instant Skip's view is blocked by a sun-kissed hand.  Alix grins pointing to a sentence in Skip's school textbook.

 "It says right here that Skip is an idiot for not trusting her girlfriend." 

Skip glares at Alix, with ease she quickly shuts the book closed on her girlfriend's hand.

 "Ow," Alix yelps while grabbing her throbbing hand. Skip ambles upstairs to Alix's room with the hard-covered book snug under her arm. The pinkette grits her teeth. 

Who does she think she is, she can't just barge into my room like she owns the place. Alix lowers her brows while stomping up a flight of stairs.

Alix balls her hand into a fist but then thought of her girlfriend and how happy they were together before Ran started attending Evercrest Academy. 

  I can't be mad, we really should talk this out, Alix thought before entering her room. She lightly pushes the door open to her room, there, she saw Skip sitting with poise at her desk with proper posture while eyeing a small pile of assignments. 

How the hell are we going to have a decent study session when Skip is being an ass? Alix thought.

Skip could see how spacious Alix's room was, it was painted with a pastel pink and her carpet had a black and white zigzag pattern on it. Her king-size canopy bed sat between two night-stands that were topped with a lamp each. It was decorated with a sea of pillows that were decked out with various flower designs, the comforter sprawled across her bed was striped with pink and white. A widescreen plasma tv was mounted on her wall and there was a bookcase full of comics and magazines instead of books, her room also had a built-in bathroom.

Alix leans against the wall near a Zombiez Attack poster, she stood behind Skip who began working diligently on homework. The pinkette sighs, she then puts her head down in thought, she remembers Ran's words. 'Tell her what you want from her.' Alix parts her lips.

"Skip why are you being a dumbass, you're making everything so hard for me," Alix shouts. She waits for a response from the runt, the room was dead silent. Alix purses her lips while wrinkling her brows waiting for a reply from the teen. She blinks then peers over at her tutor from behind.


Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt