Always ( epilogue) part 112

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Skip gives a minuscule smile, "Thank you darling, likewise. we're heading to your residence I presume judging by this neighborhood, " Skip says. Alix nods, "Yeah." She holds Skip's hand firmly as if she was making sure her girlfriend would never leave her side. Skip had recognized the upscale neighborhood from a couple of weeks ago when she and Alix were studying.

"No worries Skipperoo, we have the place to ourselves tonight," Alix says with her voice full of glee. "Both my parents went away on a business promotion trip for a few days," Alix says.

"I see." Skip replies.

They head to Alix's rounded front steps then made their way onto her front porch with pillars sitting out front. Alix opens mahogany Montrouge-styled double doors with her house key.

"What a battle," Alix grumbles while leading Skip inside by the hand. Both teens entered a dark foyer area of the mansion, they could barely see their hands in front of their faces. Alix flips a light switch on the right side of the doorway. With her girlfriend following behind Alix trudges to her bedroom. 

Skip peers from side to side ignoring the fact that there was something on her mind. She took in the large long halls of Alix's moderate mansion, white plush carpet cushioned their feet as they made their way into the pinkette's room while several luxurious crystal shade wall lamps lit their path. Skipper's face stayed stone as she eyed floral wallpaper. Ugh, she thought.

"Home sweet home baby," Alix says while slipping off her blouse and skirt. Skip sniffs the air. "Love we are quite soiled, we should wash before bed don't you think? " Skip suggested while eyeing Alix's bare body covered in bruises and dirt stains. Alix peers down noticing her blood and mud-stained skin. "I suppose you're right babe," Alix replies. Skip peers at her arm and could see cuts and small bruises as well.

Skip slowly unbuttons her top then slides down her skirt, she shimmies out of her panties letting them fall down around her ankles. Skipper then slips off her black thigh high dress socks along with her penny loafers.

"You know love, there was something quite eccentric about this battle, I think we've gotten stronger, we did not need to utilize the rejuvenators like our first battle," Skip says. Alix places her thumb and forefinger to her chin as if to ponder. "Yeah, you're probably right Skippy we have gotten stronger I bet." Both girls head to Alix's luxury bathroom to freshen up.

Alix turns a nob and water whooshes out the showerhead, Skip takes her time easing a foot into the tub letting her slender toes dip into the water. She could feel the warm soothing water on her body as soon as she stepped in completely letting shower water caress her nude slender frame. 

Alix stood by, she could see her girlfriend's perfect body soaked with water, she watched as water drizzles down her breast then drips off her nipples, pink-tipped bosoms were drenched, Alix's eyes travel up to Skip's flawless heart-shaped face, she could see that Skip's hair was flat to her head from being soaked with water. After a moment of silence Skip looks over from the shower at Alix, there, she could see Alix peering through the glass which almost seemed voyeuristic.

" Come on in darling," Skip says. Alix did as she was told, "Sorry babe," Alix gets in and stands behind her girlfriend in the shower. She grabs a loofah from her wall shower caddy then takes a bottle of strawberry mint body wash out of the caddy as well. Alix squirts soap onto her loofah then proceeds to gently stroke Skipper's back, With care, she slowly makes tiny circles on Skipper skin. She lightly places a hand on her girlfriend's back feeling how silky smooth the blue-haired teen was.

 Alix could see the outline of Skipper's backbone as her hand traced her girlfriend's curves from behind. She glides the loofah down lower past Skipper's waist. Alix continues to guide the loofah farther down her student tutor's backside. She slowly slides the wet warm lathered loofah on to firm round soft mounds of flesh. Alix watches soap bubbles drip off her lover's smooth bottom, Skipper's backside looked oiled down from the soapy water. Alix wipes down her back then is startled feeling warm wet hands cup her butt cheeks from the front.

"Skip." Alix whispers. Alix heard nothing from her significant other, not a word, it was almost as if Skip was refusing to face her.  Alix knew by now that when Skip gave the silent treatment, she was either disturbed or pissed off. What is it now Skip, I can't guess anymore, why can't she be blunt. Alix thought. Skip's lips part.

 "Alix thank you for caring  about me all this time." Alix was shocked by Skipper's words, But she didn't know why, I expected her to be nice to me from now on since I did help her out thus this far. Alix thought.  Skipper was being conspicuous for once with her emotions, this startled Alix a bit. She was glad her girlfriend was being overt for once but something didn't seem right, Alix sensed Skipper was worried, her voice sounded sincere but slightly shaky.

Alix stood behind Skip and continued to wash her girlfriend, She gently strokes Skip's pale back with a loofah, Pink pools watch as soap suds drip down her flawless supple flesh. Alix felt that she couldn't find the answers anymore for Skipper, How long will I have to guess Skip? Alix asked herself.

"Continue..." Alix froze for a minute. She leans from the side to see the one she loved most, she wanted to see Skip. What expression is she making, what the hell was she feeling this very moment. "What Skip?" Alix asked. "Continue," Skip says softly. 

 Alix lifts her right brow, "Continue what?" Alix had a confused look on her face. "You want to explore my body then do so, touch me," Skip says calmly. A lecherous smile creeps across Alix's face. YAHOO, Alix shouts mentally. I'll play it cool of course, Alix lowers her lids a little. I'm still the badass in this relationship, yep yep yep. Alix acts nonchalantly scrubbing herself down with the loofah quickly then hanging it back up since she did wash Skip enough.

Alix glides her hands up around Skipper's chest soon feeling soft warm mounds of flesh, both sunkissed hands held onto a bosom each. She cups Skipper's breast with each hand from behind. "You like that babe?"

"Yes, it feels wonderful," Skip says, her tone seeming indifferent to what was going on. Alix lightly strokes her fingers over the tips of her girlfriend's nipples. She heard Skip moan lightly after a few minutes,  Alix could feel her lover's nipples getting hard like little rocks against the tips of her fingers. She leans over to see her girlfriend's expression, there her comrade stood stone face, Skip just continued to hold Alix from the front with each hand cupping her buttcheeks. 

"Y- your not in the mood are you?" Alix asked after some time. She hangs her head peering down at the tub floor watching the water run past their slender toes then disappearing down the drain. Pink pools of lemonade travel up to Skipper's slender pale legs then back to her supple bottom. Alix takes a breath.

 "Well, I hope you feel accomplished, you read my mind," Skip says.

Alix lifts her head, Did she just read my mind how did she know I wanted some action? Alix scratches her head feeling a little embarrassed. " Skip it's not like that, I just want you to feel comfortable and to be open with me," Alix says. " For starters, I want to be like this forever," Skip says her tone slightly sweet.

"I do too babe." Alix kisses her girlfriend's cheek. "But we can't," Skip says.

"Why?" Alix asked, her face appeared distraught, Alix felt her stomach drop just like when she saw Belladonna forcefully kissing the girl she loved,  Alix felt her heartache with knots in her stomach. Her throat began to ache when she parted her lips to speak again.

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz