End of a weak link Orbit Bros. Part 25

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"Yaaaaah," Obbo screams while powering up, He stomps the pavement creating a wave of destruction causing the ground to cave in. 

 Alix shoots a fire shot, Obbo dodges it then jumps toward Skip. The bluenette charges the plump fighter kneeing him in the gut, Obbo goes flying backward. 

Alix rushes over to kick the blob, he teleports. "Sumo crusher." The alien yells while plummeting to the dirt. He crushes the ground sending an abundance of large rocks at both girls who block several stones.

Obbo jumps back quickly opening his mouth, "Vacuum Bomb," He shouts. Obbo begins to draw everything toward him. His mouth had become a suction cup sucking everything between his jaws,  the dark warrior's attack had become stronger than before.

Skip blocks large pieces of pavement and miscellaneous objects such as signs, benches and tree branches, etc. Alix shoots a couple more fire shots burning several pieces of cement. Skip felt Obbo's attack growing stronger by the second.

She shields herself with white titanium arm guards blocking several chunks of stone. Obbo stomps once more sending debris and chunks of pavement her way. Skip could no longer withstand Obbo's attack now that he created a typhoon. His wind power grew more potent by the minute as he inhaled harder than before. Skip felt a sharp pain to her face, a stone grazes her flesh cutting her cheek. 

   Another stone darts at the lithe warrior knocking her in the head. Skip falters losing her balance as a strong current of wind carries her closer to Obbo's mouth. His jaws open wide while he sucks vigorously pulling Skip in his direction with every bit of strength he had. The bluenette's arms reach outward to cling to something in her proximity, unfortunately, there was nothing for her to grasp on to while being pulled into Obbo's vacuum twister, Skip teleports but nothing happens.

In seconds she is sucked into Obbo's mouth, she enters a black abyss, he swallows her whole.

"Skip," Alix cries out.

Everything stops, everyone watches in silence, Oben and Obu peer at their younger brother in awe,  both of them were shocked. They had never seen Obbo perform such an ability. He smacks his lips.

 "That was tasty,  all I needed was some salt and pepper, "Obbo says while rubbing his stomach in a circular motion.

"You jerk," Alix shouts, she hurls two fire shots at the blob,  Alix outruns her fireball attack swiftly bashing him in the head, she jumps aside allowing two fireballs to blast him in the face.

Obbo laughs while wiping blood from his scalp. 

"Too bad you lost your little friend. She'll be in hell soon enough and as for you, you're finished," Obbo yells. 

Obbo body slams Alix, she tumbles to the ground. He whacks the ground as she rolls out the way of his enormous arms. Alix jabs him in the gut then pummels his face, Obbo takes a beating. They throw punches back and forth, both fighters rapidly block and evade one another's attacks.

W-where am I...

Skip slowly opens her eyes. I can't breathe, she felt as if she was being smothered. It's so warm in here, she could feel Obbo's hot moist innards, Skip then remembered that she was inside a  demonic alien. 

I - I feel so weak. I'm alone and it's so dark. Skip had a trigger. I'm afraid.  She trembles. Skip breathes slowly with her supply of oxygen almost nonexistent. When she did try to inhale it felt as if she had saran wrap pulled tightly across her face. Skip felt her chest ache when she made an attempt to breathe. Each breath was excruciating as time passed. She lay upside down in the fetal position. Her languid body refused to move cramped in the belly of a demon. Skip closes her eyes in defeat.

Obbo whirls around whacking  Alix in the back, she quickly gets to her feet and kicks him in the ribs.

"Palm striker yaaaaah," Obbo shouts thrusting his palms vigorously. Alix dashes past his thick hands and bashes him in the face, he head butts her,  Alix collapses on her back. 

"Enough of this game," Obbo says while wiping blood from his forehead. He raises both fists high "Maximum Smasher." The flabby warrior bellows with rage. He slams both his fist wrecking the ground. 

He smashes Alix, she yelps in pain.

 "My legs," Alix screams.

Her body aches all over from the impact of his attack. 

"Now another, I'm gonna squash you with my bare fist." Obbo laughs. 

The plump demon pounds the pavement once more, Alix spits up blood. 

" Now you're done for you little snot, this is my strongest attack yet, once I gain enough energy it's over for you and your friend," Obbo says confidently.

I don't think I'm gonna make it...

Alix felt so feeble with her arms and legs burning with pain.  She fires up her fist to strike,  Obbo hits her again relentlessly hammering his fist constantly beating her body.

 "She's gonna be mincemeat by the time he's done with the kid,"  Oben says while chuckling.

Obu doesn't respond.

I can breathe, how invigorating.

 Skip lifts her lids slowly, she feels energy surging through her veins.

  No longer did she feel exerted beyond her capacity. What's going on? Skip's body began to emit a bright fuchsia aura that started to glow off and on contouring her small frame. 

Obbo began to feel weak.

 "My stomach, ugh,"  The rotund fighter complains.

 His attack had become sapless.  Alix could no longer feel his heavy fist pound against her muscles, Obbo's seething rage of terror had ceased. 

"My power?"   Obbo looks at his hands confused seeing that he no longer was emitting aura energy.  After realizing his powers were weakening he feels a pungent pain in his stomach. 

"Ugh," Obbo quickly grabs at his abdomen.   

" I feel so tired,"  Obbo groans as steam begins to seep out his pores as if there were a fire inside him. He coughs covering his mouth while sweating excessively.

Obbo's body felt tight and weary.

"What's wrong, you got a belly ache?" Oben snickers.

Obbo explodes into pieces sending clumpy blue chunks all over the courtyard.

There, Skip stood breathing heavily as if she had run a marathon covered in orange biofluids. Obu intensely glares at Skip, he is certain that the sudden incident was no mishap. Alix tries to stand as her legs wobble, she pulls herself to her feet.

"Skip!" She shouts.

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