Extra: Playing Opossum at the O.K Corral

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Extra: playing Opossum at the O.K. Corral

A chubby store clerk peers up from his register, he glances at a pink-haired girl then reverts his eyes back to his hands full of beef jerky. The slob resumes chomping on his dried seasoned beef as  Alix peruses the store shelves.

Alix snickers while tiptoeing out of the store's automatic doors. Once outside she could hear laughter, There, she saw Asher.  Alix smiles, Asher grins.

 "Sweet, another five-finger discount for today," Asher says, then both girls fist bump. 

Alix rummages through her pockets then reveals a lollipop and grins.  Asher laughs.

"That's all you stole?" Asher questions.

Alix shrugs as she chews on her sweet treat until the stick was bare, she then tosses it in a waste bin. Asher places a stolen beer in her bag.

 "That lame store clerk didn't see a thing," Alix says chuckling. 

"So wheres that stiff upper lip tutor of yours," Asher asked.  Alix smiles mischievously.

" Beats me, I told my parents I was studying with Skip but we're playing hooky," Alix says trying to contain her laughter.

Asher grabs Alix by the wrist stringing her along. 

"Let's go to the arcade," The redhead suggested.

 "Yeah," Alix shouts, Both girls hurry off to enjoy themselves.

 On a summer day at the  O.K. Corral, both teens enter the arcade watching the hustle and bustle of people shopping, eating and playing games. There were pinball machines,  arcade games, carnival games, and a shopping center. The bright lights and blaring music made the atmosphere invigorating to Alix since her life was crammed with schoolwork daily now, she missed having fun.

Asher nudges Alix.

 "I  Bet you can't beat me at zombie killers my score is the best. " Asher claims.

Alix clenches her fist with vigor. 

"You wanna bet, I'll show you," Alix says. Both girls rush over to the Zombie arcade machine.

"Two tokens," Asher mumbles while she reaches into her messenger bag, She plays for some time.

 "Aww damn, that king zombie was so hard to beat," Asher shouts frustrated as she eyes the score rankings that appear on the screen. 

"Yes, a high score, as usual, good luck, You're gonna need it," Asher smirks at Alix.  

"You are totally gonna lose this time," Alix says then grins, she places her hand in her pocket pulling out a few coins. She goes to place them in the machine slot when a hand suddenly takes tokens out of her grasp.

"What the hell?" Alix quickly peers up seeing her tutor.

Alix glances at Asher "Oh it's just Skip." She says nonchalantly, Alix quickly turns around now aware. "Yikes, i- its Skip," Alix says then jumps to her feet.

"What do you think you're doing missing class and our study session. How insubordinate of you." Skip scolds.

Alix sighs, "Skip, come on give me a break its been a while since I cut class," Alix says.

"Very well, you will have to be punished, we'll have double the assignments to study since you were absent. You have a history of truancy, you will only face expulsion if you continue with your delinquency," Skip says while waving a finger in the rebel's face.

" Okay enough stiff ass," Asher says snidely. Skip peers at Asher who grins at the bluenette. 

"You can't get enough, you sadist." Skip turns away trying to avoid conversation with Asher. "Excuse me you obtrusive gnat, there is a more important matter at the moment, now where was I," Skip says sternly.

"We're just trying to have a little fun,"  Asher says now in Skip's face.

 "And you can't handle it," Asher snaps.

 "I  beg to differ," Skip says while folding her arms. Asher looks at the arcade game then back at Skip. 

"Aye, I bet you can't beat my high score." Asher taunts.

Skip peers at the screen of the arcade box, it lights up with a glowing logo,  Zombie killers. Skip turns away.

 "No no, it has been a while, I don't have time for children's games," Skip says while waving hands declining the offer.

 "Oh come on chicken shit," Asher says. Alix glances at her friend.

 "Yeah you scaredy-cat." Alix blurts out.  Alix and Asher stand on opposite sides of Skip. She stands between the girls being hassled. 

Skip takes a breath, " I refuse to participate in such hogwash."

 "See she's a wuss, yellow belly, cluck cluck cluck." Asher says  then places her hands to her hips bending her arms flapping them like wings, "She's afraid, the loser."  Asher shouts.

Skip could not take anymore disparaging from the girls. Alix laughs. " I bet her legs are shaking." Asher tugs at the bluenette's tie. "Bet she can't even play games," Asher says.

" You're gonna lose," Alix says while pinching  Skip's ears lightly from behind. She flinches. Skip finally was red in the face, her brows furrowed.  

"That is enough, cease this wretched ridiculing, I'll do it," Skip says. Asher hands Skip the game pistol, Skip clutches the plastic blaster gun.

" If you lose, you have to do our homework for the summer semester," Asher says. Skip stares intently at the arcade screen. "And if you fail?" "Both of us will attend class more, heck I'll even do my homework," Asher says.

"Fair enough," Skip gives a slight smile.

Alix nods in agreement, she places two tokens into the machine slots. The screen lights up and a demonic voice shouts ZOMBIE KILLERS. Skip shoots a blinking start cursor.

They watch attentively as Skip plays. Time passes. Game Over is plastered across the screen in bloody oozing words. Alix and Asher's faces were devastated. Skip had a perfect run, no damage and surpassed Asher's high score receiving the highest score possible. Hell, she beat the game.

Skip clears her throat then adjusts her tie. Asher and Alix cry out in unison. "No way!" Both their jaws drop. " Looks like you two will be inside for a while. How unfortunate the weather is going to be nice this week," Skip says.

Skip walks away. "Come along." She waves to Alix, the pinkette trudges behind her tutor.

Asher grits her teeth, that two-timing snot, she knew she was good at video games, to begin with. Asher thought she was slick but Skip was slicker.

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