Hidaki's Return and Redemption pt 21 part 66

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Thought this music was fitting for this campy chapter lol. Put on repeat to enjoy while ya read if you like.

Hidaki's return and redemption pt 21 part 66

Shit, they all passed away what will I tell their families, they were a good gang of ...

Hidaki hears snoring, he whips around, There he sees Bob sleeping with his fat bottom perched in the air.

 Hidaki grins. A good gang of lunkheads. 

" Hey get up," Hidaki shouts. He rears his foot back then thrust it forward giving Bob a swift kick in the rump. 

"OWWW, Aye boss morning to you too, I'm starving whens breakfast?"

 "Whaaa." Hidaki glares at the chubby student. 

 "Shuddap I ain't ya mama you fool, all of you get up right now," Hidaki demands.

Ace gets up along with Tony and Wren. Rick joins both guys, he groans.

 "Ow my back , what the hell happened last night Hidaki?"  Rick asked.  Wren scratches his head. "Some party we had I guess." Wren says.

Hidaki opens his mouth, "I'll tell ya... " 

 The punk is cut off by a vivacious voice.

 "Hey excuse me there young man, I was on my way to the Channel 13 news station but then I saw this." The reporter had a quiff haircut wearing sunglasses with a suit and tie. His company van and camera man were on the side of the road. 

"Hey there, thats some kind of phenomenon a stone tree." Hidaki peers at the tree. 

"Aye its got my name on it." Hidaki scratches his head confused. 

The reporter reads. " Hidaki saved us, Really who or what did you save young whipper snapper?" The reporter asked. He gestures his camera man to start filming. 

"We're here at Kindle Marsh this morning with Hidaki Tsubasa, tell us the story of an omen from an anonymous being stating that this lad saved someone or  something." The reporter grins. "Take it away. "

Hidaki grins in view of the camera.

Hidaki wanted to save his hide at this point, there was no way he was going back to the juvenile corrections center.

 "Me and my boys here defended Evercrest academy from being vandalized last night by a rival gang, yeah we've turned over a new leaf." Hidaki grins snatching the reporter's microphone. 

"See it says Hidaki saved us, something or somebody was a witness to da scene." The punk points to the stone tree.

 "Well, there you have it." The reporter shouts while grabbing his microphone back from the thug.

The gang members nod looking at one another awkwardly. 

 "Thats right we did save and protect the school." Ace says. Crossing his arms while nodding his head.

Mitchell faces Bob. "Was that the case tubby?" Bob shrugs. 

" I can't remember a thing except for this ugly monster guy." Ace covers Bob's mouth.

 "Idiot." He mumbles.

 All the punks agree. "Yea our boss was heroic." All Hidaki's friends say in unison.

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora