Love the Art of War pt35 part 102

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part 102 pt 35. Love the art of war

" I hope you girls enjoy my second form," Geolem growls. The demon now resembled a Golem. He had sharp talons on his toes along with white claws on his fingers, glowing crimson orbs sat deep in his melancholy sagging sockets that drooped. A strong jawline graces the demon's angular face with a cleft in the shape of an X on his chin. Geolum's long pointy troll ears hang low with large white gauges. His build was now blocky and burly, he was embedded in stone from his head to his toes.

 Geolem transforms himself into pure stone, the only thing that wasn't concealed with stone was his eyes. His broad shoulders ripple as small formations of skull heads protrude from his stone surface. Now sitting perched on his shoulders were miniature skull heads made of stone with their mouths open revealing fangs.

He strikes a pose placing his palms together as if he were praying. Geolem lifts his right leg placing his large foot to his muscular calf while his other foot rests flat to the ground. He balances on one foot with his hands together. He poses with grace, "Dark powers aid me." The monster chants.

Geolem parts his jaws, "You shall perish by my hands, you insolent mortal and halfbreed."

Geolem lifts his open hand, he takes his talon, and hooks it deep into the center of his palm, he drags his sharp claw down his stone exterior making a large crack. Green slime splatters to the grass from his open wound as thick blobs of goo cover the surrounding area. The substance soon forms into a bubbling puddle that seeps into the ground.

Both girls watch mucus pour out their dark fiend's hand like a hose, Geolem smiles. 

" Come forth my minions." The demon orders. They watch as a clumpy green mucus seeps deep into the dirt.

Skip begins to sense multiple forces of energy, They must be living organisms, Skip thinks to herself.

Alix stands in a fighting stance ready to brawl. "Bring it on puss face," Alix shouts.

"You got it mortal scum," Geolem replies. Alix lunges toward her opponent while raising her fist, she hammers Geolem in the side of his head.


"Ow ow ow ow, damn," Alix cries out. She shakes her hand vigorously in pain, "Youch, he's as hard as a rock." Alix complains.

Skip rolls her eyes at her comrade, "What do you expect, his exterior is made of stone," Skip retorts. Alix grimaces at her girlfriend.

"Shut up Skip," Alix mumbles while holding her throbbing hand close.

Green puddles of goo seep deep into the dirt on the athletic field. Small lumpy green piles of sludge start to bubble and sizzle returning to the surface. A green substance begins to grow tall as small piles of slime start to rise then expand. They watched as the substance morphed into something more, the strange goop went from a mucus green to a purple hue. The slime began to accumulate into large clumps creating a life form of some sort.

A purple gooey creature sprouts up through the ground next to Alix, the teen peers down.

Alix places both her hands on the monster's shoulders and with all her might she shoves it back into the ground.

"What the hell is that and why is it coming from the ground, that's the weirdest plant I've ever seen?" Alix says.

Skip sighs.

"Love, I believe that is an enemy creating by our dark fiend," Skip replies.

Elongated heads protrude from the ground, they looked like large brussel sprouts covered in bulging veins pushing through the earth's surface. A creature's head tears through rubble near Alix's foot, the pinkette jumps away.

 "Great more evil seed garbage to beat up," Alix says begrudgingly. "I just wanna kick this block head's ass and be done with this jerk," Alix says irritated.

 Lean bodies are sculpted from purple clumps of goo being stretched like putty, the substance grows taller than before forming into lanky purple figures. It looked as if the creatures were being stretched beyond their limits. Alix and Skip could see neon green feline eyes protruding from the unknown being's skull, but not much more. Green pupils meet theirs, they watch intently while Skip continues to sense more life forces.

"There are many," The lithe warrior reports. Alix turns to her girlfriend, "You gotta be kidding me." Alix snaps then shrugs. "Well, we'll just have to show them who's going to win this battle."

The ground splits open releasing several gooey creatures from the earth's crust.

Skip nods as they watch more villainous scum appear forcing their way out of the dirt, Both fighters watch monsters appear with slimy putty-like arms stretch out of chasms in the ground.  Several beasts claw themselves free making their way through the rubble sprouting out of the dirt. Dark suckers push their way through gravel to the surface eager to face their foes.

A slime monster's arm burst up through the dirt, Skip steps aside with ease watching large bulbous eyes sit above the ground, its eyes appeared similar to a bush babies only more feline-like. Now several large lobe-shaped heads penetrate soil around the girls.

 The creatures had eyes sitting on either side of their craniums, Their faces had a triangular shape similar to a praying mantis. An indentation of spikes run down the center of the monster's backs. Their heads had a veiny texture that looked like soba noodles, these creatures' brains appeared to be exposed. Green veins travel down from the creature's brain to its eye sockets, vine-like tentacles hang from the sides of their heads and torsos.

Geolem points a finger at both girls. "Go my myrmidons." Several slime monsters charge Alix and Skip.

Creatures dripping puss flash their yellow fangs and black tongues, their tails similar to a dinosaur's in appearance wag like happy pups, vines made of phlegm thrust about aiming for their targets.

Both teens are surrounded as the dark suckers draw near with their fangs and grave tentacles raised they lunge at the girls...

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