Bending of Wills Pt 43Part 110

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Bending of Wills pt 43 Part 110

Alix was only nanoseconds away from being absorbed by Geolem's deadly phlegm attack, he could utilize his jelly form to smother her to death then absorb her vital energy, thus he would become more powerful than before.

With less than a few inches between them, Geolem feels triumphant.

 Yes, I will be victorious. The demon thinks.

"Geo Fist," Alix shouts. She shoots her fist made of stone past him. Alix smashes all the vending machines at once with her mighty Geo fist attack. She throws a couple more punches with her ginormous stone fist crushing the machines, her arm stretches like rubber reaching the vending machines on the sidelines of the athletic field. They weren't too far away from a few large vending machines, the machines explode releasing liquid that shoots out like a hose had been turned on spraying the area like a geyser. Beverages combust drenching Geolem in a cold sticky liquid, He laughs.

"Mortals really are foolish, you cannot stop me with soda pop," Geolem says then cackles.

"Now I'll have my victory." The demon laughs hysterically.

Alix could feel her powers becoming weak by the second. The demon thrust his jelly arms to smother Alix and consume her to end her life once and for all.

I know this might not be much, but I have to try. Skip thought to herself.

The bluenette's lips part "Glacier Gust."

Geolem's fangs began to chatter, his movements seemed to grow stiff, he could feel his blood circulation come to a stop as he shivered, his whole body felt as cold as ice. The monster could no longer thrust his jelly tentacles toward Alix.

Even though Skip's powers were weak, she had figured that her aura elemental attack with the liquid from soft drinks applied would be effective. Like freezing water, she froze soda that covered Geolem, there Geolem stood frozen in place like an ice sculptor with his tentacles only a few centimeters away from Alix.

Whoa, what just happened? Alix peers at the icy statue that was Geolem, he stood before her just a few inches away. Alix's thoughts are interrupted by a voice she adored.

" Love one more time, give it your best shot." Skip hollers. Alix glances at her girlfriend then smiles. "You got it babe."

"YAAAAAAH, Geo Fist." Alix bellows with vigor, she draws her fist back then thrust it forward.

Alix punches Geolem with everything she's got, she heaves feeling a sharp pain in her gut while thrusting her fist. Alix sweats blood gathering every ounce of energy she had left, she felt like she was on fire. Her arm became as heavy as a 500-pound anvil, with great force Alix wallops Geolem who stood frozen solid right in front of her.

They watch as he explodes into microscopic particles then the bottom half of him crumbles, The monster was no more.

Alix breathes heavily feeling her body tremble with pain as her arm began to shrink in size returning to its natural state. Alix felt a burning sensation on the right side of the body after she had executed her attack.  She watches as the stone exterior encasing her arm dissolves into bronze skin while the mysterious black substance that covered her flesh seeps back in her pours. Alix observes her arm and nothing seemed to be abnormal anymore, she could see a normal sunkissed arm had returned.

Alix places her fiery hands on icy crystals that held her captive from the waist down. She could still feel aura power running through her veins which was a good sign, Alix still had some energy left. She quickly began to melt the ice that froze her to the ground. Alix knew she'd soon be free from the small glacier of ice that bound her legs, She could feel her hyper-gear suit becoming wet from the waist down due to the melting ice. Alix soon stood in a puddle peering over at Skip who lay on the ground.

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