A requiem for an Unrequited Love Part 47

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Part 47

Alix looked nice, her makeup was done perfectly,  her eyebrows were arched to perfection and her bronze glitter eye shadow complimented her complexion.  Alix wore pink lipstick that really made her lips pop, her lashes were nice and long thanks to the mascara she added. Alix smelled wonderful, her perfume was a sweet scent of cherry blossoms she hoped Skip would enjoy.

Alix knew she was cutting it close by skipping her summer classes.

 Hey, I returned didn't I? Alix thought. She was about to turn the corner down the hall to where Skip's study was when she heard footsteps coming near.

 Oh no damn hall monitors, Alix thought. 

The last thing she needed was to be caught by one of those ass kissers while trying to be a better student. Before she could place one foot forward she saw Skip. Alix perks up seeing her stern tutor. 

Skippy, Alix thought. Now the pinkette was ecstatic. 

 Alix was about to step around the corner until she saw another student appear beside Skip. A purple-haired girl grabs Skip's collar.

Whose that? Alix observes this mystery girl. She appeared more mature and her appearance was very sexy. Alix observes the scantily clad dressed student.

The purple-haired girl wore a very short A-line skirt with a tight-fitting blazer that was cropped. The unknown girl's bosoms were spilling out of her low-cut top, She also wore white gloves like some formal snob. This mystery girl wore red bottom heels as well.  

She looks more like a sexy secretary than a student, Alix thought. She examines the anonymous girl closely now.

 the older student's breasts were bigger than hers, she was taller and had shapely legs.

 Her body looks great, Alix grimaces at the sight of the two girls clutching her lunch bag tighter.

What am I feeling, is it jealousy? Alix thought doing her best not to let her boiling temper spill over.

The anonymous purpled-haired girl corners  Skip placing an arm out with her hand flat against the wall. Skip slinks away as the girl towers over her, she pecks Skip's lips then kisses the bluenette passionately driving the blue-haired girl against the wall with force. Belladonna places her hand on Skip's face guiding the bluenette towards her. Skip closes her eyes feeling her classmate's smooth lips pressed against her's with force. Belladonna vigorously kisses Skip, the lithe girl could barely breathe while her face turns bright red to her ears. Belladonna had Skip by the chin to hold her in place. The bluenette wanted to retire but couldn't.

Their heavy breathing fills Alix's ears as she watches intently.

Alix felt her stomach drop and her heart sank with devastation that her beloved Skip was seeing another woman.

Belladonna continues to hold Skip in place by her chin, she could feel the bluenette's face which was hot to the touch, Skip's cheeks were rosy with her eyes were still closed tightly as she endured the class president's strong aggressive kiss. The bluenette could feel Belladonna's tongue massaging her pink muscle while taking her breath away. Skip could no longer withstand the force applied by Belladonna's lips. Even though she was afraid her classmate would become angry if she asked for a breather, Skip could no longer endure her Belladonna's rough dominating smooch.

Skip pulls away when she could no longer take the intense tonguing. Her cheeks were hot and she could not breathe. The older girl's lips followed her's in an instant, Belladonna pushes her head down slightly, then places her lips upon the bluenette's once more. The passionate kiss appeared strenuous. The level of vigorous action rose with every minute. The mystery girl ferociously french kisses Skip with their tongues now entwined, each thrust from  Belladonna's tongue made Skip feel like she was overheating, the poor girl's face appeared feverish at this point.

Alix watches as Skip's hand clutches her skirt tightly while enduring the intense make-out session, Skip now felt overwhelmed.

With even more pressure applied than before by the unknown girl Skip began to feel a tingling sensation between her thighs, the last thing she wanted was to be aroused at school in the hall where someone might see. Her clit was pulsating as a  strong throbbing sensation grew between her legs.

 Oh no, Skip thought as the kiss became more stimulating. There was nothing she could do, her panties were becoming moist.

Belladonna continues to kiss  Skip hungrily ignoring the puny girl's whimpers, a bead of sweat trickles down the blue-haired girl's flushed face. 

Please can this end, Skip thought. Belladonna knew it was somewhat cruel to kiss her classmate intensely without letting them catch their breath.

Skip gently tugs on Belladonna's blazer sleeve but she continues to kiss her roughly.

Just then the bell rang for classes to change. The class president with ease steps away from her classmate then strolls down the corridor. Skip covers her bright red face and strides to a nearby restroom.

Alix steps from around the corner to follow Skip, in a split second the hall was full of the hustle and bustle of students chit-chatting.

 It's way too crowded, I can't tell what direction she went in. Alix scans the hall crowded with students, her eyes move frantically searching for her special bluenette, but in dismay Alix abandoned the hunt for her new lover immediately.

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