Love the art of War pt 24 Part 91

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Love the Art of War, pt24 part 91

Belladonna and several student council members are startled by the harsh tone of a gruff voice. A silhouette stood tall in the doorway, they turn their heads quickly toward the door in unison. There, stood Rose with her hands on her hips dressed in military attire.

 They could see that the rugged lass was wearing a tactical vest, a taser gun rested in her holster, the girl looked as if she was part of a swat team unit. A small cluster of cherry bombs was tied to the redhead's belt hanging like a small cluster of grapes to her side. A swiss army knife sat snug in her leg holster with several packs of airgun pellets tied to her waist along with a paintball gun strapped to her back.

"It's no rumor General Wellington, I've heard it straight from the horse's  mouth." Rose snarls with a smug grin on her sunburned face.

Skip didn't budge, she sat in a black leather office chair peering out the window in her own world, while the rest of the students were attentive toward the childish war machine. Rose looked as if she was ready for a war on the playground with her juvenile array of arsenals.

Rose peers at a group of snobby students with her good eye, the other was concealed with a black eye patch. She traces a scar on her right cheek with a tobacco-stained finger.

 "I have  a plan, you dainty  daffodils."

Ran strolls over to Alix. "Hey babe thanks for meeting me," Alix says.

 "I've missed you so much, I told my girlfriend we were just friends but I love you." Alix wraps her arms around Ran's neck, she caresses strands of turquoise hair while stroking tanned skin with the tips of her fingers. Alix peers into reddish-orange eyes feeling her heart flutter. She closes her eyes puckering her voluptuous lips to meet Ran's lips.

ARGGGGH, Skip cringes at the mere thought of Alix touching that uncouth shrew, Ran her girlfriend's former lover. Skip does her best to push the image out of her mind. No no no no NO. Skip thinks wanting to pull at her shiny blue lush locks. If Alix thinks I'm going to be foolish, she can guess again. Skip peers out at the courtyard.

Skip could feel a warm soft hand caress her thigh under the table, Belladonna peers at Skip with an enamored gaze. She could feel her lover stroke her bare thigh lightly, Belladonna's hand slides up further past the lissome girl's thigh-high dress shocks and nimble fingers began to inch into her thongs. 

Skip clears her throat and pulls out her chair abruptly, "Please excuse me I need to use the restroom." Belladonna's hand slinks away quickly.  Skip heads to the door, Belladonna watches her blue-haired colleague exit the room while motor-mouth blabs, Rose stands being animated with her arms raised and mouth wide open, her tone boisterous, "Then I will be able to catch them red-handed," Rose shouts.

Alix trudges through some bushes past the courtyard and enters an abandoned forest area littered with trash, beer cans, and cigarette butts covered the grass. The hangout area was decorated with junk, a few old oil drums, plastic bags, and snack wrappers were scattered about the area, miscellaneous junk aligned a few tree stumps along with broken benches, it pretty much resembled a dump on a low scale, the secluded area was a dumping ground for degenerate teens. This was a place for students to release their inner demons per se while avoiding the harsh realities of school life.

Alix peers around the ground seeing empty and broken beer bottles, cardboard boxes, trash cans, and road signs that had been stolen, she then heard a sweet voice. 

"Hey girl." It was her ex-girlfriend Ran.

 "Sup Alix," Asher appears out of the bushes beside the tall rebel. Alix forces a smile upon her face while gazing at both teens. Alix felt a jolt of glee run through her body seeing her two best friends. It was a pleasant sight for the pink-haired delinquent, she felt a little better now, but she needed some time away from the one she adored.

Were they still even a couple after this mess, Alix thought, her girlfriend refused to trust her now, how would she trust her later on in life.

Alix sighs hearing a beer can pop open,  Asher had bought a six-pack with her. "Nice Ash," Alix says grinning. "See I got ya girl," Asher says smirking. Alix eyes the pack of beer, her mouth was watering for it. But she decided to have a light first, she really needed a smoke especially feeling uncertain about her relationship. "Here ya go," Ran rummages in her track jacket pocket then passes Alix an open pack of cigarettes.

"No smoking on school grounds, it is prohibited." Alix lifts her head swiftly seeing her blue-haired tutor who was pointing a finger at her.

"Skip you're ruining our fun." Alix whines while holding a beer and a cigarette between her fingers. Skip grimaces at her girlfriend. "You are not supposed to have 'fun' at school and alcoholic beverages are inappropriate as well." Skip scolds with her brows knitted as she grimaces at the bubble gum haired teen.

Alix leans back on a tree stump that was against a tree, pink lemonade eyes stare off into the forest with her lush lips clenching a cigarette in the corner of her mouth. Alix blinks then pink pools glare at her blue-haired tutor who felt like she was on display in front of the ruthless rebels. Skip stood in the center while the girls sat around her. Alix peers over at Skip while lighting her cigarette, she inhales then exhales letting thick white smoke flow out of her mouth. 

"Stop it's against school rules." Skip scolds the rebel once more.

"I know that, that's why I'm doing it," Alix says. She  turns her head to face Ran whose cheeks are puffed chuckling, "Yeah, no shit, she's a bright one." Ran says condescendingly. 

Icy blue eyes become red...

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