Always ( Epilogue) part 121

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part 121

Skipper ignores the monster's words and keeps running to get as far away as she could from the beast. Feeling gravel under her bare feet Skipper picks up her pace with every step.

How am I able to keep going? Skipper thought pushing herself harder than she has ever pushed herself before. The beast was a blur behind her tearing up the ground like a bulldozer.

"Try your best one of royal black blood, I shall complete our dark lord's mission," Hexagore speaks using telepathy once again.

 Hexagore turns tail wagging his backside wildly whipping tentacles back and forth. Alix peers at the twilight sky feeling useless seeing a few stars twinkle then disappear.

 I gotta do something that bitch is gonna kill Skipper, but what can I do? Alix questions with her mind in a tizzy knowing she could only use her arms.

Alix leans up unable to walk, she watches Hexagore whip his tail around when passing by to race after her comrade. She watches black worms slither by hanging from Hexgore's rear end. His tentacles like worms drag through the dirt swiping past Alix. She could see so many tentacles sprouting out the back of the monster like a sea anemone.

 If I can't move on my own I'll have this jerk help me out.  Alix manages to grab a tentacle feeling the texture of velvet and slime against her palms.

Even though the monster was made of stone certain parts were becoming soft due to blood covering the creature's surface.

Alix clings with all her strength feeling Hexagore bucks then charges after Skipper.

Come on damn it, I gotta stay strong. Alix thought while groaning.

  Her arms start to ache with sharp pains, it reminded her of climbing the monkey bars at the park when she was a little girl. Alix closes her eyes and musters up enough strength to pull herself farther up the monster's back it was like climbing a rope with no wall for support, Alix struggles to lift her weight.

Damn, things would be easier with our Hyper Gear suits. Alix thought while breathing heavily.

Holding on to the beast Alix could feel Hexagore slowing his pace from an enraged charging bull to a slithering python with grace, the beast was losing energy due to his damaged orbs. Alix could feel less wind pressure on her face while the monster stayed hot on Skipper's trail. Hexagore slithers relentlessly after his target like a ravenous beast for its prey.

"Yaaaah," Alix shouts being dragged around the clearing, she could feel Hexgore rear up like a cobra slightly wavering. The beast stands still sensing Skip since she was very close, he could pick up the scent of her blood easier, Hexagore stays still like a snake ready to attack a mouse.

Alix holds on tighter than before almost reaching his back, she could see her girlfriend running away from the monster who stays very still.

Good, he's not moving anymore.  Alix thought.

Alix pulls herself onto the monster's back after a strenuous climb.

 Ignoring the coarse surface of pebbles Skip manages to keep a decent space between her and the demon since he stood still for a moment. 

 "Great, keep running babe, he's tired out"  Alix shouts then smiles wide. Skip slows her pace a little feeling extremely fatigued. 

At this rate both teens had a chance to do something since Hexagore appeared to be resting,  the girls weren't sure what was going on but he had stopped the chase allowing Skipper to getaway. 

Hexgore balls his stone hand into a fist and slams the ground causing a miniature earthquake, Skipper falls to the ground from the impact. 

 Alix is thrown backwards and lifted into the air feeling like she was on a rollercoaster raised at the high point before the drop. She squeezes a tentacle in her hand with everything she's got not to fall off the monster.

"Shit,  don't let go,  don't let go, don't let go" Alix mumbles under her breath feeling her hands ache, She didn't even realize she had her eyes shut tightly, she slowly opens them feeling warm liquid cover her fingers, she had held on so tightly to a tentacle that black goop was gushing from it.

Skip lies on her back with Hexgore looming over her, the beast then leans down to be at eye level with the teen. Hexgore comes even closer than before, it looked as if he was going to sniff the child but then rears back.

Large pale eyes widen with fear, Skipper could see Hexgore was right in front of her ready to attack. Alix peers around observing the monster's back seeing an abundance of veins, tentacles, and black blood, she spots one last glowing orb in the darkness.

Placing both palms on the ground Skipper slowly moves backwards easing herself away from the beast. Hexgore darts right for the teen with a forefinger drawn, on the end of his finger is a needle thats thin and slightly curved like a wasp's stinger. He quickly plunges the needle through Skipper's chest near her left shoulder.

"Aaaaaaah." Skipper Shireks feeling a sharp sensation in her chest. The teen leans her head back panting in pain staring at the twilight sky. Alix's eyes bulge taking in a sight she'd hope to never see. Her girlfriend was pinned to the ground bleeding with a ruthless monstrosity looming over her.

Skipper, her mind yells.  I gotta save her. Alix could feel her heart pumping with adrenaline taking in the sight once again.

"Foolish children, you only reap what you sow." Hexagore laughs sinisterly.

Both teens heard the demon utilizing telepathy.

Alix peers down at her shaking hands covered in black blood. She could see that her hands were swelling from gripping and climbing all night, her muscles burned with agonizing pain.

"Shit."  Alix punches the orb, but the punch wasn't strong enough to do any damage. Alix clutches her throbbing hand feeling like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders.

 I can't let Skipper die, I just can't. Alix thought looking at her bloody knuckles.

"I will consume your blood Superbia, annihilating you," Hexagore spoke telepathically once again.

"NOOOOOO," Alix screams hearing the demon mentally.

Alix looks around frantic for something to break the orb. There was no way she could do it with her hands.

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