Love the Art of War pt36 Part 103

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Part 36 love the art of War part 103

Dark suckers surround them ready to pounce on their targets, icy blue orbs eye the pinkette,  soon Alix felt a hand grab her right arm by the wrist. Pink pools glance down.

"Skip what are you  doing." Alix could feel her girlfriend grasping her arm tighter than before now that she had her by the wrist. Skip holds on to Alix as if her life depended on it,  She whirls Alix around like a spinning top. Twirling faster and faster holding on to her comrade Skip could see that Alix's feet were no longer dragging in the dirt they were up off the ground.

"AAAAAAhhhh,"  Alix shouts. She could feel a  strong gust of wind blowing in her face while her feet were in the air. Skip continues to swing her girlfriend around as she picked up more speed, Alix could feel the wind blowing in her face as Skip picked up her pace, she felt like she was a merry-go-round becoming dizzy, Alix only saw everything as a blur. 

Skip releases Alix sending her into oblivion.

Alix couldn't believe that Skip had flung her to the other side of the athletic field while she was trying to defend herself from sludge monsters.

Skip hurls her toward the other side of the field with ease then teleports seeing a herd of savage demons chase after Alix's airborne body, they were eager to sink their fangs deep into her flesh. Their tentacles extend toward the sky trying to reach for their dinner.

Alix is thrown into oblivion soaring through the air unable to catch herself. Wow, Skip has gotten strong, Alix thought while she spirals out of control.

Alix plummets towards a group of vicious beasts that had gathered below eager to devour her. Come on come on dammit, Alix grits her teeth frustrated. Why aren't my powers working, dammit I can't focus. 

Her heart was racing and she could not gather her energy now that she was mentally unstable at the moment. Alix flails her arms about unable to pull off an attack, she couldn't focus her energy to save her life, She was frantic and couldn't compose herself to save her life. Unable to focus she shuts her eyes tightly. Oh god, save me. Alix thought falling into a pile of hungry beasts.

"Berserker Surger Buster Wave" A gentle voice could be heard echoing throughout the athletic field. Alix knew Skip was nearby.

A wave of power tears up the ground hitting the dark suckers scattering them about like bowling pins that had been hit with a strike. Falling to the ground Alix soon feels soft warm hands cup her body. She gazes into icy blue eyes. Her dark pink orbs are filled with awe, Alix felt safe in her girlfriend's arms.

Gracefully Skip lands on the ground with Alix in her arms. Alix and Skip stare at one another for a split second which felt like forever. Skip lifts a brow, Alix shoves Skip away.

"Get away, let me go you idiot, are you crazy, I almost became lunch for those booger monsters because of your stupid ass," Alix hollers while pushing Skip's bosoms.

Skip holds Alix firmly letting her squirm.

"You are more sufficient as bait." Skip says snidely.

"Shut up Skip you jerk, and let me go." Alix demands.

Skip shrugs. " Of course love." She throws Alix over her head then leaps away as a tentacle lashes in her direction. More dark suckers appear from bubbling purple puddles on the ground.

Alix lands on the grass with ease, she could hear hissing from the slime monsters as they approached quickly galloping on their hind legs like rabid mutts.

Yaaahhh" flames burst from Alix's knuckles burning a dark sucker in its face, it rears back knocking into a couple of other beasts slightly clearing a path, the beasts were starting to close in on the teen now surrounding their target. 

Skip was a distance away taking on a few dark suckers all at once, She dodges whipping tentacles from a couple of beasts.

A creature thrusts an arm at Alix, she goes to throw a punch feeling a strong force pin her arm back. My Arm, it won't move. Alix tries to yank her arm free, she realizes a gooey thick limb was coiled around her forearm like a snake. Alix's eyes bug out, "ugh gross, Ewwww."

Alix could see a rippling dripping worm-like limb wrapped tightly around her wrist like a rope, it was coiled all the way up to her shoulder.

Damnit, Alix thought. She raises her arm utilizing her free hand, but another monster had the rebel from behind restraining her with great force. Its tentacles clutches her ankles and wrists firmly.

Skip leaps with grace evading an attack from her slimy foe, the beast whips at her head, Skip ducks with poise as a phlegm covered arm misses her whipping wildly, she dashes toward her lover noticing that their dark foes were becoming a bit much for Alix to handle.

"Berserker surger wave." Skip says her voice gentle, she punches the ground sending a wave of energy cutting snot monsters in two, Alix is released, five more appear circling the girls, Skip peers around realizing they are surrounded by several slimy fiends. Alix steps back inching closer to her comrade as monsters covered in mucus crawl closer to them dragging their oozing limbs.

Skip presses her feet to the ground ready to spring into action, In the blink of an eye, she could no longer move. A strong force pins her down like an iron weight restraining her. Skip peers down realizing her body is submerged in sludge, strong like a plasma rope the creature's tentacles wrap around her body tighter than a sailor's knot. 

Vines dripping in mucus coil around Skip's wrist and ankles. Skip struggles to turn her head, she was worried about her comrade, Skip looks over at Alix who was tied up as well. She could see that her girlfriend was bound from her head to her toes, the tentacles were tied tightly like twine to baking bread cutting into her bronzed flesh. Alix could barely move it felt as if her whole body had fallen asleep.

Geolem laughs.

"They will absorb your vital energy, so say goodbye children." Geolem cackles.

The dark suckers' tentacles begin to illuminate with a green aura while the creatures hold on to both girls. Both teens could see the dark suckers' yellow fangs grinning at them as the beast began to gather dark energy. Alix and Skip's legs dangle a few inches from the ground while the creatures hold them in midair, soon both warriors' bodies began to glow with a black aura. Alix and  Skip were now entangled in tentacles with their wrist and ankles bound rendering them helpless it seemed.

Skip seem faint, she could feel her eyelids become heavy with fatigue, the lithe warrior felt her head become light with a haziness. Skip felt as if she had been deprived of sleep for days.

Alix thrusts her shoulders from side to side vigorously trying to break free from the monster's grip, but no use, there were several creatures tying them down. Wrapped tightly in snotty vines-like a cocoon neither warrior was able to gather enough strength to utilize their aura powers because they were being drained of their energy.

Alix felt weaker by the minute, She could see seven sludge monsters standing around them with their arms stretched out holding them in place. With their tentacles bound around their bodies, the dark suckers start to absorb their vital energy.

Skip peers at Alix with weary eyes.

"Love I'm... ugh ." Skip's head hangs to the side.

" No Skip, dammit," Alix shouts.

Alix could see...

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