Love the Art of War pt14 Part81

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Love the art of war pt 14 part 81

Alix could tell Skip was planning to have her in detention all week with her deviant schemes. She'd come up with some malarky to get her in trouble. Even though she was trying to be a good student. That bitch, Alix thought.

Alix watches as her girlfriend's hips sway from side to side as Skip ambles down an empty corridor while classes were in session. Skip heads down the hall. "Wait Skip," Alix yells. The blue-haired runt ignores her lover and slips into a nearby classroom.

Later that morning  Alix and Ran sit in detention refusing to do homework. "This sucks," Ran says. She leans back in her chair and props her sneakers up on a desk in front of her to relax, Alix sits at a desk beside her friend.

 "Looky here Ran." Alix grins. She holds up a strip of photos. The pink-haired rebel peers at several small photographs in her hands. 

"Which do you think is better? Her eyes look so nice in this one they're a beautiful blue," Alix says while placing a picture in Ran's face. The older delinquent scratches her head. "Hmmm." She recognized the girl in the photo that Alix had smooshed in her face. Alix picks up another picture. 

" Those lips yum, and in this picture, I think she looks really cute but in this one, her hair is really stylish." Alix smiles glancing at a few more photos.

 "Decision decisions," Alix says with a lovey-dovey tone.

Ran places a hand to her cheek with boredom while rolling her eyes, "Just choose one, I don't see how picking a photo of your girlfriend can be so difficult when they're all the same picture." Alix freezes holding a strip of school photos of Skip. 

"You know what on second thought I'm gonna need a bigger wallet to fit all the pictures because I like them all." Alix smiles from ear to ear with cheeks rosy.

This girl has lost her mind for sure what did that stiff upper lip do to her? Ran thinks to herself then sighs.

 Alix pauses for a second with her face pensive. 

"You know Skip and I are together?" Alix asks. Ran nods.

" It's cool, your secret is safe with me." Alix parts her lips ready to speak, Ran raises her hand. "Don't worry about it, you don't have to tell me anything It's your business," Ran says. 

 A look of relief washes over the rebel's face,  Alix gives Ran a big smile, "Thanks." Alix says.  Ran grins placing her arms behind her head. "No problem." 

 "How did you know?" Alix asked feeling slightly vulnerable. Ran sits with her eyes closed as if she was going to nap. 

 "Well, I could tell because you look at her the way you used to look at me," Ran says. Alix rubs her neck feeling awkward.


Ran's phone vibrates.

 "Oh, I gotta go." Ran gets out of her seat. Alix lifts a brow. "For what ?" Alix asked. "Tutoring." Ran replies. Alix chuckles, "Oh yeah, don't have too much fun." Alix says sarcastically. Ran laughs as she makes her way to a fat toad's desk known as Mrs. Windbag, she hands Ran a slip to attend her tutoring session for the Bad Apple Program.

At last, all of my assignments are completed. Skip sighs. 

"Excuse me you pint-size novice." Skip glares at Pabblum who pushes her glasses up on her nose, "Yes Miss VP." Pabblum takes a step forward, She stumbles over her own two feet. Skip hears a thud, She peers down over her desk seeing that Pabblum bumped her head on the front of her desk. 

"Ow  my head, the  geek  groaned but in seconds  she smiles, "I'm  okay, miss VP."  Skip rolls her eyes. "Please make copies of these assignments" Skip orders.

 "Yes, Miss VP."  Pabblum shouts with joy. Skip turns around in her office chair  giving the nerd her back peering down at her student tutor schedule, "I should have a student coming soon..." Skip whips around hearing a loud noise.

Her eyes widen in horror.

"You imbecile midget with the mental capacity of a turnip, that's the paper shredder."  Skip couldn't believe all her hard work was flushed down the toilet. She died inside. "Miss VP, I thought this was a copier machine." The klutz says while pointing to the paper shredder which sat on a table beside the copier.  

"They're both white machines, it's confusing," Pabblum whines. Skip leans over her desk gritting her teeth. "You." She points a finger at the tacky geek.

 "Stand right there." Skip demands.

  Pabblum does as she's told, She stands on a trap door panel. Skip with lightning speed goes to press the button. I will eliminate this nuisance once and for all. Who knew it would come to DEATH.

A knock on the door interrupts everything. "Miss VP I'll get the door," Pabblum shouts with joy. Skip was seething with rage inside, even though her face remained deadpan and she appeared calm. She was so close to sending Pabblum plunging to her death with spikes at the bottom of a pit.

Pabblum grabs for the doorknob but before she could open it Ran whips open the door smashing her. Pabblum slides down the wall then flops against the plush carpet. Ran stands in the doorway of Skip's Office.

 "I'm here for the tutor session."

Skip turns around in her black office chair. Her eyes widen slightly, she was surprised that her student was Alix's ex-girlfriend Ran. Now was her chance to annihilate this uncouth shrew who was a threat to her blossoming relationship with Alix.

Skip sits with proper posture at her desk glaring at Ran. Ran was shocked. It's that arrogant blue-haired nag from this morning. Ran thinks.

Skip peers at her roster list. "Today is the introduction for your session so do not expect much." Skip clears her throat. 

"Ms. Takahashi if you plan to continue attending Evercrest Academy through the Bad Apple program your grades must be exceptional." 

Skip eases a finger to a  button on her desk. "And as you can see I do not have an issue demonstrating the consequences if you fail to succeed." Skip hisses. Skip presses a button on her desk to activate the trap door.

Silence, nothing happens. She presses the button once more. "Damn, damn, damn," Skip grumbles. Ran stands waiting. "Um did I miss something?" The delinquent says confused.

Pabblum smiles putting her glasses back on after getting to her feet, "Miss VP I disconnected that darn trap door so you wouldn't fall in it anymore." Pabblum puts a finger to her cheek as if to ponder. "And it never worked as an air conditioner."

Skip grimaces at the jynx then shoots  daggers at Ran with her eyes, "You are dismissed." Skip was trembling with anger.

"Okay I'm out," Ran says. She turns away and heads for the door. Pabblum rushes to get the door for the student but before she could open it, the heavy door swung open pressing her to the wall once again. Alix opens the door. 

 "Ran let's go." The pink-haired rebel meets her good friend at the exit. "Hi, Skippy peanut butter." Alix waves smiling at her blue-haired lover. Skip grits her teeth. She watches as Ran and Alix make their way down the hall.

Skip stood outside her office watching them intently. Her face red, She was infuriated at this point, like a teapot overheating steam would seep out her ears any moment. Seething with anger Skip clenches her fist tightly as an imaginary target appeared on Ran's back who was sauntering down a sparse corridor with Alix. Like a war missile with a designated target Skip was ready to attack and Alix's Ex-girlfriend was her target.

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora