Bending of Wills pt42 part 109

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bending of wills, pt42 part109

Alix's hands flare up with fiery aura power,  she quickly places her hands on blocks of ice once again. Geolem peers over at the teen who's attempting to break free.

"Nice try you maggot, god you are so annoying that's why I'm going to annihilate you first," Geolem screams. He holds up his fist to gather power, black orbs of energy soar to his clenched hand. Soon, it illuminates with dark aura power. There was no way Alix would be able to defend herself against his ultimate attack.

She watches as dark aura energy swirls around the golem's stone fist that looked like black vapor smoke, Alix knew her life would end in seconds after Geolem gathered enough power which would disintegrate her in one powerful blow.

Alix continues to melt away the ice even though she knew there would not be enough time, Geolem could gather enough energy in time to execute his strongest attack before she could melt away the ice.

" SUPER GEO CRUSHER." Geolem bellows with rage, he whirls around lunging his fist to strike Alix with a mighty blow. His fist emits a white light blinding Alix, She looks toward her foe, it felt as if she was gazing into the sun. Alix quickly clutches her right arm feeling grueling pain.

"NO." Skip's eyes widen with fear witnessing the death of her comrade.

Am I dying? Alix could only see a luminous white light and nothing more, she no longer felt a sharp pulsating pain in her arm it seemed to cease.

This must be what it feels like to die...

My arm, W- what's happening?

Alix opens her eyes feeling a sharp pain jolt through her entire arm, the grueling pain had returned more painful than before. She watches as her arm swells five times its size, she noticed it started to move on its own growing like a beanstalk toward the sky.

Geolem stands slightly stunned with his arm raised seeing that Alix's arm was stretching toward the heavens like a skyscraper.

"It's nothing, I got this." Geolem continues to rush to his opponent with his arm ablaze with dark aura power.

"H-hey I-i didn't do that!", Alix continues to gawk at her inflated arm, she could see thick veins rippling under her flesh releasing black goo that began to ooze out of her pores. Alix's arm continued to grow to an enormous size. She grits her teeth doing her best to hold her massive arm in place, it felt as if her arm was replaced with a thousand-pound anchor. Alix watches horrified as black puss covers her arm turning it jet black. Alix shuts her eyes, Skip stares in awe at Alix's arm.

"Darling, what's happening?" Skip shouts alarmed by the sight, Now her arm had grown humongous, the bluenette quickly shuts her eyes before witnessing Geolem's deadly attack, his fist was a raging blur of power aiming right for Alix.

ALIX!, Skip's mind yells. She couldn't stomach to watch her lover die before her eyes.

Geolem's powerful fist hits Alix as a blinding white light engulfs the athletic field covering it like a bright white dome. Ikki watches from a distance holding Pabblum under her arm who was still unconscious.

Damnit, please pull through. Ikki could no longer see Alix or her granddaughter as the bright gamma-ray of light blinded her.

I gotta stay with this kid and I can only hope for the best, I believe in you girls. Ikki hangs her head in the darkness of the forest past the academy's courtyard where only moonlight could light her path, she stares intensely at the athletic field from a distance. Good luck girls.

Alix opens one eye slowly, Geolem's eyes widen in devastation, Skip lies in awe. There, they could see boulders being pulled into a black oozing substance that spewed from Alix's pores, the goop grabs on to rocks from Geolem's arm then rips them away and pastes them to Alix's skin. Black goo sticks to his stones like putty then peels them away embedding rocks into Alix's flesh. Alix peers at her arm in shock, her arm was as black as coal like before. She watches as black gunk consumes her arm like it had a mind of its own covering her forearm in a thick slime. The substance continues to collect stones pulling them into the goop that was smothering her arm. Geolem shakes his head trying to fathom what just happened.

"What the hell, I refuse to lose to mortal scum, l- I must show evil seed I'm better than this." Geolem grits his fangs enraged, "I'll just smash you, you fuckin'worthless human," Geolem yells.

What can I  do? Skip thinks to herself. I don't want to move, I might utilize what little energy I have left.

Geolem balls his other hand into a fist that was still covered in stone. "Super Geo Crusher, this will kill you." Geolem goes to strike with everything he's got, he had gathered enough power to eliminate anything he set his eyes on.

  Bearing a mighty stone fist that hung in the sky Alix tries to stay steady but she could feel her body shaking intensely under the weight of her arm. Alix forces a grin upon her face with one eye shut while enduring excruciating pain, "This shit hurts, but you know what they say, no pain no gain," Sweat pours down her face while she grits her teeth harder than before.

Alix thrusts her powerful gigantic stone fist with lightning speed.

"Yaaaaaaah", Alix throws a punch unable to control her mighty fist of rage, she wallops Geolem smashing him, she nearly crushes him.  A white gamma-ray of light shoots towards Geolem engulfing him from Alix's attack, "Take that you fucking rock head," Alix yells.

They watch as Geolem is stripped of his stone exterior, a layer of stone is eroded away cleaning him of his stone shell. The light fades and they could see their fiend standing before them was pure jelly. "He's completely weakened love," Skip shouts.

Geolem would take more damage now that his stone exterior had been removed.

Alix felt her arm becoming weak, she could no longer feel power surging through her arm like before, but she still had enough energy to do dire damage.

Skip then realized something, "Love,  aim for the vending machines." Skip shouts. Alix was shocked, she had never heard her girlfriend yell with such enthusiasm. Alix nods. "Right."

Geolem stood made of gel once again, "I'll just smother you with my body and absorb your vital energy," He says while jiggling his tentacles made of jelly. Geolem lunges towards Alix as a massive blanket of jello ready to consume her.  

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