Love the Art of War pt22 part 89

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Skip had made her way out of basketball practice heading toward a bench near the athletic field. Alix grimaces watching her girlfriend sail by her. 

"Babe come on we need to talk this out." The pinkette follows behind the lithe girl down a path of pavement to her destination.

 Alix hustles behind Skipper picking up her pace to walk alongside her lover.  Alix leans in to kiss her girlfriend on the cheek, Skip turns her face away intentionally to avoid contact with the rebel. Acting as if Alix is invisible Skip continues towards the athletic field, Alix slightly shocked watches her girlfriend's hips sway from side to side not sure what to do. 

Skip ambles through the grass while her pale skin glistens in the sunlight with her damp hair laying flat to her head.

Blades of grass whip in the wind swaying back and forth as if they were shimmying from side to side as a light breeze blows across the open field rustling through pink tresses. Alix gawks in awe, She peers into Icy blue bedroom eyes which always appeared to be alluring somehow.

Feeling her girlfriend's intense gaze Skip peers at Alix then blinks a few times. As if in a trance  Alix could not shift her gaze from her blue-haired babe, she could see long thick lashes that always looked as if mascara was applied but those were Skip's natural lashes. 

Alix plops down beside her tutor who sits lady-like with poise on a wooden bench next to a pathway on campus, Skip sips on a bottle of water she had brought with her. Alix watches as droplets of water drip from her moist thin lips onto her narrow chin, Alix could feel her cheeks grow warm as a tingling between her thighs started to develop while pink pools leer at Skip's bare legs.

Her shorts are really short, Alix thought.

She could almost see her lover's bare mounds of flesh, Alix noticed Skip's bottom was shiny with sweat and her cheeks were flushed. Skip peers back at the delinquent feeling her girlfriend's intense stare once again. She parts her lips to catch her breath, Alix could hear Skip breathing heavily, her shortness of breath was salacious to Alix's ears for some reason, maybe because it reminded her of the time they made love. 

Icy blue bedroom eyes glance at the pinkette,  Alix quickly turns away from her girlfriend as if they were strangers peering at one another for too long making the moment awkward. Skip lowers her lids while gazing at Alix letting her lashes rest upon her rosy cheeks.

 Alix looks vacantly at Skip. I should bring up that strange dream I had a couple of weeks ago, Alix thought.

Alix parts her lips. "Skip I ..." A soft voice cuts her off. 

"What?" Skip asks while giving Alix a cold stare. 

 "You know I've been wanting to tell you something..." Alix pauses for a moment,  she changes her mind on a whim. 

 "You look hot babe, " Alix says then laughs nervously. 

" I've just finished basketball practice what do you expect of course I'm hot." Her girlfriend snaps.

Alix bites her bottom lip, Skip still seems to be in a bad mood. 

 Alix gazes at her lover, She hands Skip a part of her popsicle.

 " Here we can share this pop." Alix smiles, Skip clutches the other half of the double-stick popsicle, the kind you could break in two so you could share with a friend. 

Simultaneously both girls pull on their popsicle sticks to split it in two, they watch as the icy treat crumbles to the ground.  Alix managed to save her half, but Skip's half lies on the pavement. Both girls watch as ants ascend on the icy blue slush like bees to pollen. Skip stares intensely at the melted mess on the ground as a black mass consumes her popsicle. Alix looks at Skip, the bluenette seemed to be in a trance just gazing at little black specks sprinkled all over her popsicle, soon her icy slush was submerged in darkness.

"There was once light now only darkness," Skip says in a whisper. They could no longer see the summer treat as tiny black bodies smother the ice pop. 

 "Soon it will be no more," Skip says, her voice feeble, her tone melancholy, her face unsettled.

"Babe?" Alix asks as a worried expression washed over her face, Skip just peers at the ground.

"Last night things got weird, we need to report to Krone." Alix suggested.

 "NO, "I refuse to report anything,"  Skip says.

 "What?"  Alix's eyes widen with shock. Skip slowly lifts her head, Alix watches as blue hairs hang in the lithe girl's face. She scowls at Alix who sits dumbfounded. 

"Skip what the hell is wrong with you, I'm tired of you and your shit games. I'm not your toy dammit, you're not making sense." Alix grits her teeth while lowering her brows. 

Icy blue eyes stare at the exasperated student, Alix takes a deep breath.

 "Look I'm trying to be nice to you instead of kicking your  ass." Alix tries to refrain from swinging at the arrogant blue-haired runt. 

"Here Skippy let's just be friends already, you can have some of my slushy."

Alix smiles from ear to ear while offering her beverage to her girlfriend. Skip daintily dips her finger into red cherry flavored slush. Alix grins happily. Oh good, she's taking a small taste. 

Skip lifts her supple buns off the bench with poise then ambles through fresh cut grass back to the academy doors to her class.

Alix curls her lips around her straw, she sucks harder and harder still she couldn't taste a thing. "Wah?"  Alix's eyes bug out from what she saw.

 "That little jerk," Alix mumbles. There to her dismay she could see that her slushy was frozen solid like a rock.

 "AAAAAGHHHH," Alix yells frustrated. 

 "Skip you ..." She tosses her slushy to the pavement. She knew Skip had used her elemental powers to ruin her sweet treat.

Alix strides to the bluenette, "That's it I had enough of this." Alix shouts huffing and puffing, Skip turns slowly to face her girlfriend.

 "You jerk." Alix yells, She pounces on the lissome girl thrusting her backwards, tanned fingers grab the bluenette's shirt collar, Alix vigorously yanks her girlfriend forward.

Alix glares at Skip.

  "Tell me now what's your problem or I'll belt you one," Alix screams. Silence filled both girl's ears now eye to eye, they both stare intensely into each other's eyes with defiance. Skip parts her thin lips.

 "I'm resigning from being a protectore you degenerate louse," Skip says, her tone harsh. Alix freezes refusing to take another step. 

 "What do you mean resign?"  Alix asks.

 Skip sighs, " I will not participate in anymore protectore league duties." Skip gives a malicious smile with her eyes. 

"I have become apathetic toward this supernatural jargon, this relationship, and you," Skip says sternly. Alix's brows knit together as she grits her teeth instantly without thinking, Alix was so agitated she couldn't think straight. She applies more force pulling the lithe girl toward her by the collar.  

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