Extra A Tear In Our World pt3

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A tear in our world pt3

Skip slowly opens her eyes ready to retire while Alix runs her fingers along Skip's silky smooth warm skin but to her dismay, she could feel her girlfriend trembling. Skip's lips felt cold, her face was paler than usual. Alix peers at  Skip startled feeling her shake. 

"Babe, what's wrong?"  Alix asks. 

Skip's face was in shock the poor girl looked as if she's seen a monster. Alix turns to look in the direction Skip is peering in. Alix was mortified, both girls sit devastated.

There, Alix's mother stood in the doorway of the room. She steps back, her face horrified she could not believe what she had just seen. Disturbed, she quickly slams the door shut. 

"Both you girls get out her right now." Alix's mother yells.

Alix had never seen Skip so worried she watched as her girlfriend squeezes her own arm while biting her thin lips, her face looked as if she was going to cry, she continues to tremble slightly. Alix holds Skip close. "What are we going to do ?" Skip asked. Alix places a finger to her chin in thought.

"You girls get out here right now, I mean it," Gertrude shouts once again.

Gertrude waits in the hallway with her arms crossed. The door creaks and both girls appear outside their room. They stand before Alix's mother holding hands. "Stop that," Gertrude says while eyeing their clutched hands. Skip lets go of Alix's hand quickly.

Alix peers at her mother with a stern look on her face. 

"Mom, we were eating cookies and Skip was choking so I had to give her mouth to mouth." 

Skip chimes in feeling confident.  " Yes, ma'am your daughter was performing resuscitation." Skip hangs her head. Laughter fills both girls' ears startling them. Skip peers up surprised, Gertrude bellows with laughter.

 "Are you girls serious, I wasn't born yesterday."

Both teens are shocked.

Gertrude reaches out grabbing her daughter by the arm pulling Alix away from her lover. 

"Mom stop," Alix shouts as she is pushed in the opposite direction away from  Skip. Her mother corners Skip, the blue-haired girl slinks away. 

"How could you, we hired you to teach her, not sleep with her," Gertrude screams in Skip's face. 

The bluenette closes her eyes inching back a few more steps. Skip nervously tries to stand her ground.

 " M-Ma'am p-please, I've been teaching your daughter."  Gertrude cuts the lithe girl off. 

"Teaching her what, how to french kiss." She grabs Skip by the collar of her shirt driving her to the wall. 

"You little... what did you do to my daughter?" Gertrude's tone demanding.

Gertrude snatches Skip by the collar with force causing the girl's blouse to rip while propelling her to the wall. Alix grabs her mother by the sleeve of her sweater.

 "Mom stop, Skip didn't do it, I made her," Alix shouts. Gertrude raises her hand which darts across Skip's face. The bluenette felt a burning pain on her cheek, the poor girl was near tears at this point.

  "Mom don't hit her," Alix shouts once more. She yanks her mother backwards away from Skip. Gertrude turns to Alix. 

"And you, how long has this been going on, you should be ashamed of yourself."

Alix's brows furrow while pushing Gertrude's finger out of her face.

 "Mom I don't care I love her,"  Alix yells.

Gertrude shouts back with a harsh tone. 

"Your father has been paying money for your tutoring and this is what you do, I'm calling the school to end this mess," Gertrude screams.

Icy blue bedroom eyes widen horrified by the mere thought that the academy might find out about their relationship.

 "Oh please do not contact the academy ma'am, I promise I will not participate in any lewd acts with your daughter...I" Skip begs but stops speaking immediately as Gertrude gets closer to her. 

 Gertrude gets in Skip's face backing the girl to the wall once again. She points her finger in Skip's face. 

" You be quiet."  Alix's mother says, her tone vicious.

Skip's eyes were tearing up, she could feel her throat aching while she did her best to refrain from sobbing. 

 "Mom stop it, it's not her fault." Alix yells.

 Gertrude grabs Skip roughly by her right ear, she pulls the blue-haired girl through the living room to the front door.

"You're not allowed back here." She shoves Skip onto the lawn.

Vitamin Bullet aka (Yin & Yang lovers)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ