Always (Epilogue) part 116

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"Skipper let's go," Alix says. Both teens reside in a dark and dismal realm, it appeared to be the bowels of a volcanic cavern of some sort, large black towers of stone filled the area with lavafalls. Alix looks around, there she could see fountains of lava and small islands of black stone. She peers up towards a trail that leads them out of the dark realm with jagged black stone everywhere. Alix peers at her girlfriend while rubbing her head, babe this place reminds me of hell." Skip nods. " I can see the resemblance," Skip replies.

She looks past several black islands floating above lava that led to what appeared to be an exit out of this dreary cavern, They could see little light from a hole above.

"Let's make haste," Skip says. Alix makes a fist. "Yeah let's do this," Alix says. 

She peers up letting her eyes follow a trail of obsidian stone cliffs to the exit. Skip leaps high above the pinkette. Alix watches her girlfriend land on one foot with finesse on the top of a stone cliff.

She's such a show-off. Alix grimaces climbing after her girlfriend.

Both girls leap from cliff to cliff, Alix does her best to keep up with her comrade, Skip continues to follow the trail gaining speed with poise. Alix wipes sweat from her forehead, "Damn it's hot in here, are we there yet?" Alix asked. She glances below seeing a sea of molten lava flowing beneath them like a river.

"Just a few more steps love we're almost out," Skip reports. She jumps to another stone, a few more steps, and both girls were now against an obsidian tower to the exit. Skip peers up to take a gander at what appeared to be a manhole.

"Aaaaah," Alix yells. Skip's ears ring with Alix's scream. She turns back quickly, Skip could see Alix flailing falling backward, Skip grabs her girlfriend by the wrist. "Darling, do not worry." Skip tightens her grip and pulls Alix against the stone island that she stood on. With Skip holding her wrist  Alix swings to the side and clutches a crevice of the stone wall with her free hand. Skip pulls Alix up and over, Alix soon felt stone on her palms, the girl rested on her hands and knees.

"Thanks babe," Alix says then tries to catch her breath placing a hand to her chest.

 "I can see the light," Alix shouts. There at the top of the dark tower was a manhole releasing cool air. Before reaching the exit Skip turns and faces Alix, she gives the pinkette a slight smile. Alix blushes a little staring into Skipper's pale eyes. She puts out her hand, Alix takes it, She lets her girlfriend climb out first. Alix was relieved, she could feel a nice cool breeze rustle through her hair. It felt great compared to where she was before.

She bends down getting on her knees to help Skipper out of the realm. "Babe come on," She reaches for Skipper.

 "Darling I'm coming." Skip goes to take a step but surprisingly she could not move, She reaches for her girlfriend's hand. Alix stretches her arm out for  Skipper to grab. Her eyes widen, there, she could see long black boney hands with claws shoot out of the darkness, the hands grab  Skipper then dig deep into her flesh.

"NOOOOO," Alix screams. Alix was on her knees leaning over into what looked like a manhole, "Come on damn it, damn it ." She grits her teeth. " Skip I won't let you go, I w- won't let go ."

 Alix yanks Skip by the arm toward her. The creatures pull back as more hands gather and grab onto the teen, Alix is dragged further into the hole. Alix shuts her eyes and with all her might and pulls Skipper in the opposite direction. Black claws grow stronger by the minute forcing the girl from Alix's grasp. Alix could feel Skip's arm slipping away, She tightens her grip pulling Skip her way. After a few moments of tug-of-war Alix began to see Skipper's shoulders then neck and her chest, she was no longer submerged in the dark realm.

Alix stares at her comrade feeling victorious, She could see that Skipper's eyes were plagued with fear. All she wanted to do was hold her girlfriend close and console her but first She had to get her lover completely out of the realm.

"No worries Skippy I got ya," Alix says with confidence. She swings her other arm around to grab Skipper's left arm but before she could reach it, More demonic creatures with glowing crimson eyes fill the cavern below, several claws hook deep into Skipper's body, like an anchor they thrust her down into darkness. An expression of shock washes over Alix's face watching her girlfriend sink into the dark depths of the unknown.

"NOOOOO," Alix screams leaning down, She was halfway in the manhole, She thrust Skip up feeling the weight of the monsters below which felt like hundred-pound sandbags, Alix gives one last yank with gusto to pull Skip up and out.

"AAAAARRRGGGH," Alix yelps in agony, she feels a sharp pain plagued her right arm. Pain jolts through her arm constantly, She peers down in shock feeling pulsating pain dominate her body. Alix could see black blood gushing from somewhere, but from where ? she thought, after a few moments Alix feels her throat close up while gasping for air, the pain felt as if she had been ripped open with a knife, She leans down further into the realm pushing herself to fight with the monsters once more.

I can't move an inch, oh no Skip. Alix thought, Her other arm refused to move, it was like her body shut down for the moment. A pungent pain held Alix captive, her body refused to move once more, she tries to grab for Skip with her other hand but no use, it was as if she was paralyzed. 

Pink pools follow a stream of blood to find the source of her pain, she could see that her arm had been severed at the shoulder.  Alix quickly faces the darkness once again but she was too late, all she could do was watch her arm fall into the dark realm with Skipper. Alix feels more excruciating pain from her shoulder, she watches as blood pours out of her cavity and covers the ground, She sits in a pool of black goop watching the puddle of blood grow around her.

"AAAAAAAAAHAHHAHHH," Alix shrieks in terror watching blood cover the ground.

"MY ARM," Alix mumbles.

My arm, my arm, my arm... The pinkette thinks to herself.

Alix quickly lifts her lids breathing heavily and dark pink pupils become visible. She could only hear light breathing from her girlfriend who lay beside her in bed.

It was that dream again. Alix feels sweat dripping down her face as she eyes the one she loves. Skip was sleeping peacefully. She pulls her arm out from under the covers to observe it, A slender sun-kissed arm appeared normal.

Alix glances around the dimly lit room laying still hearing nothing but silence, she could only hear Skip breathing and nothing more. Alix peers away from her girlfriend and rests her eyes on the digital clock that sat on the nightstand beside them. Skip wasn't the only thing she heard in the darkness of night,  she could hear a ticking noise coming from the clock that sat on the nightstand beside their bed. Alix peers over at the digital clock she notices it's 2:59 am.

Alix watches the digital clock strike three in the morning,  A jolt of pain shoots through her arm simultaneously.

Alix growls in pain clutching her arm, She peers down in agony watching her arm turn black as soot. Darkness possesses her arm as excruciating pain conquers her body. Alix sweats profusely feeling pungent pain run through her veins. She watches her arm twitch then jerk moving from side to side, her hand moves as if it had a mind of its own.

 Alix remembered this strange issue with her arm from earlier. She watches her hand continue to swipe vigorously at the air, swiping and bucking then raring back. Black fingers ball themselves into a fist then open again trying to grab at anything.

"S-Stop moving." Alix closes one eye tightly and grits her teeth while grasping her arm. Her arm wiggles wildly while her body uncontrollably quivers, she was shaking as if she had the chills, feeling the bed shake Skip opens her eyes.

"Love what's happening?" Skip says startled.

"Babe get out of here, somethings wrong with my arm again," Alix cries out.

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