A Weak Link's Strong Points pt 2 Orbit Bros. Part 24

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part 24 orbit brothers a weak link 's strong points pt2

In the demonic realm of Dismul a consultation between mother Haggus and the dark lord's disciple takes place. "Be sure you will not fail our dark messiah,  he will not tolerate deficient alliances." Orbit mother Haggus stands in a throne room. "Yes, my sons are great bounty hunters. They take after their late father Obben and I."

"How dreadful." Wicked Leech says, placing his hands together, " Demons raised by their mothers  alone  is a fate worse than death to their demon-hood." Haggus laughs, "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes." She bellows sarcastically. "How do ya think they lost their father. She chuckles. Then a grin appears across her face. 

 Wicked Leech ponders a bit placing a bony finger to his jaw. "Ah yes he was a wanted demon very high on a head hunter's totem." Leech's eyes widen with fear. "I see." He slinks away from Haggus realizing how pestilent a foe she truly was. Haggus folds her arms.  "Less yapping and more action, I wanna see the money bone head."  " Yes  very well, your reward will be to serve  our Lord as   high ranking myrmidons and 600,000,000,000,000 mil for this bounty." Leech holds a large chest with a bolted lock.  " Holy hell that's a lot of mil, whose  the basket case and whats the catch?" Mother  Haggus says.

" Here is your target, tread lightly mercenaries. There isn't a catch, our dark lord wants his daughter returned to him, you would give anything for your boys." Leech hisses. "Shut that hole in your face and give me a premium for the job, 30,000 mil, a little pocket change."  Haggus demands. Wicked leech nods in agreement. " As you wish." Wicked leech grins maliciously handing a smaller chest over to Haggus. 

 Mother Haggus returns to the entrance area of the castle where her three sons wait.  "Look here." She hisses.  "Let me see,"  Obbo says while his brothers dart in front of him crowding the blob. Obbo whines. "I can't see a thing." 

 Haggus holds a small round device, She clicks a button and an image is projected.

"A girl?" Oben peers in disgust, "What a crap job. We ain't rookies, right ma." Oben snaps.   "Shut up, there must be more to this child than meets the eye, they claim shes one of the Cardinal Sins of  Kin. Obbo giggles. "Her hair is cute."  The chubby brother noticed Skip's large cowlick,  both Oben and Obu glare at Obbo. Obu turns to Haggus. " Mother I don't think Obbo is fit for this mission." Oben chuckles. " I don't think he's fit for anything with all that weight." 

 Haggus waves a hand to hush them both. "Obbo if you fail I will disown you, the last thing I need is a disgrace for a son when I'm a top-notch bounty hunter.

 "A great bounty hunter such as myself cannot afford to have their reputation tarnished by her sons. My blood runs through your veins,  make me proud, all of you."  They stand together feeling insignificant compared to their mother,  they must not disappoint her. "Yes mother, Obu says.   "Sure ma." Oben mumbles.  "Yup mom," Obbo shouts.   The brothers ready for their mission head out the large castle doors.  "Obbo is gonna blow it  I know it," Oben says as they leave the castle.   "I am not, I will  not fail."

" I will not fail, I will not fail."  Obbo opens his eyes. He takes all he's got pushing himself to stand once more. Alix and Skip notice the fat demon standing again. Oben turns around hearing his brother's voice. He was ready to attack his opponents standing in a fighting stance.

" S-step aside bro - brother I got this."  Obbo's body aches from patches of burned skin all over his body.   " I can do it ." He walks past his brothers covered in dirt and scars.

 Oben steps back next to Obu.  "Looks like  fatty is  awake and ready to rumble." 

Obbo stands firmly clenching both fists. 

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