A Requiem for an Unrequited Love Part 42

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part 42


Alix had opened her pink pools hearing the voice of her beloved Skipper. Her eyes open to a pair of icy blue orbs. There she could see Skip gazing into her eyes. Alix felt her heart jump for joy, she was glad to see that her soon-to-be girlfriend was up and doing well.

Krone pokes his head into view, she could see under his snout and up Skip's nose, the view from the bed was very displeasing.

"I feel great." Alix stood up stretching her arms out, Skip gives a shy smile watching the pinkette raise her arms high as if she just got out of bed, She was relieved that Alix had recovered.

" Please listen girls I will inform you of everything."

When Aegisus had summoned me to mentor you I entered your dreams trying to give you fair warning about what was to come. After your first bout, it seemed like a dream because you two had fainted and I returned you ladies to your residences, I've been watching over you two for a couple of weeks now."

Krone clears his throat then continues to speak.

"Skip had transformed into a battleborg, a mechanical humanoid created for the most precise combat with supernatural entities. Both of your energies are needed to create the bullet vitamin.  Fusing your energies allows Skip's energy to grow stronger thus you create an even stronger  aura which allows the battleborg transformation process." Krone informs.

Alix gives a puzzled look still trying to comprehend the fact that her tutor could transform into a fighting humanoid.

Alix and Skip both focus their attention on Krone.

 "You both will face all types of foes, Evil Seed will be relentless, they want to complete the ritual that began long ago, someone had broken the seal to the realm of Dismul. "

Krone places his gaze upon Skip. The bluenette was first pretending to be attentive now she was eager to hear more. Skip places a few strands of blue hair behind her ear with her face a bit disturbed.

What could monsters want with me, she reminisced her battle with Obu, her blood did react strangely, definitely out of the ordinary.

Now curious Skip wondered about her blood but she shook any questions from her mind.

"Descendants of Darkborne rule the realm of Dismul, they are called the Kin of Cardinal Sins, a clan of absolute beings. There are fourteen members who must be eliminated. They serve Darkborne the personification of evil. They operate the demonic organization Evil Seed."  Krone informs.

Alix inconspicuously moves toward  Skip, she still wanted to hold her since she couldn't earlier.

"You two will place your hands together..." Alix raises a hand interrupting Krone.

" No worries Krone." Alix grins confidently at her alien mentor.

 "We got this vitamin bullet fusing thing down." Her mentor stops speaking with a surprised expression on his face.

" Really, you girls do, that's wonderful," Krone says with glee.

"All me and Skippy gotta do is..." Alix is cut off by a harsh tone.

 "Skip and I." The bluenette corrects her. 

" Skip you're so lame, we get the idea, all we need to do is place our hands together and concentrate in order to fuse our energy," Alix says.

Krone nods, " Very well."

Alix peers at her hand. " Hey that symbol is gone?" Skip daintily lifts her hand and takes a gander. Her marking had faded as well.

" Ladies, it is nothing dire. The mark validates that you two are Protectors, Once a protector is branded with an insignia, they are tested with the first battle, it fades if you live, it stays if you perish."

"It's how a God keeps track of his Protectors." Krone smiles placing his hands together.

" I see," Skip says.

 " You two have earned some new abilities, I can sense your auras and they are stronger than before," Krone says. His voice was full of elation while clapping his hands together.

" Alix, you have obtained tempest flare. A flaming uppercut that can do severe damage to opponents who are weak to elemental attacks of fire. You are also able to perform fire shot, a sphere made of fire generated from your aura and solar power."

Krone faces the bluenette.

" Skipper you have gained Berserker surger buster which is a very powerful haymaker, the attack can have grave results for your opposer, The Dark absorber..." Krone hesitates for a moment still eyeing Skip with his golden orbs.

Their mentor parts his lips ignoring the random act of hesitation a moment ago.

 " You will learn other abilities soon enough dear," Krones says to Skip gently patting a brown wiry hand on the teen's head.

 Skip shivers feeling a light breeze sweep through the Protector's lab, the furturistic temple had become cool. She peers through an open window that stretched to the ceiling and saw that night had fallen.  

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