A Requiem for an Unrequited Love Part 46

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 "Your father wants the academy to appear empathetic after placing a student in confinement," Skip says. "Enough you." Belladonna yanks Skip by her collar. "Seize that tongue of yours unless you want to be demoted."

Skip swallows hard, she always seemed to overdo it with her mouth.

"We have a transfer student who is going to participate in the program, you will tutor them. This program also calls for a new committee to be assembled and that's the patrol committee, daddy and I already selected the perfect candidate for the job."

Alix had returned to Evercrest Academy, the pinkette was shocked by her own actions she actually came back after cutting a couple of classes but she had to see Skip again.

Alix was about to walk into the school entrance when she heard a voice call out to her. "Hey, long time no see." Alix turns around slowly hearing a voice that was familiar full of mirth. She peers into reddish-orange eyes.

It was Ran.

"Oh my goodness its been so long." She hugs Ran.

Ran and Alix were friends back in middle school together, they also were dating then at the time,  the turquoise haired girl was a good friend and ex-girlfriend of hers. They only broke up because Ran moved away when her uncle couldn't afford to live in the city anymore.

Now Ran had returned because her uncle had won the lottery, not the jackpot but a fair amount.

"Wow, I'm siked to see you here of all places." Alix grins while scratching her head nervously. "Yeah, I never thought id be back in school." Ran chuckles.

She had long turquoise hair which she wore pulled up into a ponytail. She had a large bang covering her left eye which Alix always thought was sexy. She wore a green track jacket and black spandex shorts, her skin was a beautiful tan.

Damn Alix missed Ran for the longest time.

Ran smiles at the pinkette, Alix reciprocates with a big smile.

"Well, I gotta head to class," Alix says. "You're going to class, that's a joke. You've always cut class, its like second nature to you." Ran cackles.

Asher appears waving some money around she just stole. "Sup peeps." Asher looks at Ran. "Well look whose back in town." Asher grins.

Ran smirks at Asher. "Good Ol' times. They fist bump.

 "Aren't you guys suppose to be in class?" Alix mumbles, She opens the door to her school.  Asher grins, "Nope."  Ran chimes in as well. "No way, we're skipping as usual." They follow Alix into Evercrest Academy. Now the three girls stroll down an empty corridor. A good thing there weren't any hall monitors on duty at the time, the girls had lucked up.

Asher notices her friend was clutching a lunch bag. The two girls became suspicious, Alix never brings lunch to class let alone attends. "What's with the lunch?"Asher asked.  Alix's face was slightly startled, she  quickly answers, "Oh, I just wanted to make something special for myself."

Ran and Asher glance at each other with puzzled expressions. 

"My bull crap radar is picking up your baloney again," Ran says smirking. "Now seriously, can't a girl treat herself. geez, " Alix says while holding the lunch bag out of sight from her friends, she was trying to hide it. "You guys are getting ridiculous," Alix grumbles now irritated but she was trying to conceal her anger.

"What did you make, I want some," Ran says. Asher licks her lips, " I wanna see ." Alix moves the Lunch bag further away from Asher as she leans closer to sniff the aroma fuming from the bag. "Its nothing really. " Alix looks away from her curious friends. 

"Asparagus soup and stuffing balls?" Asher had seen inside the bag. "Ugh, gross," Asher shouts then pauses with her face disgusted. She leans into the pinkette's face. "You detest soup and stuffing."

" I- I ... I had a change of heart.." Alix says. Ran cuts her off. "Oh really ." " Yeah", Alix felt confident about her lie. "My taste buds have changed over time, it's not as disgusting as it use to be." Both girls were convinced maybe they were overthinking things.

Ran shrugs. "Whatever." She notices Alix's s duffel bag full of textbooks and assignment papers.

"Aren't we becoming a nerd." Ran says sarcastically while eyeing books and papers jumbled in Alix's bag. "Guys I just want to do well. I do miss hanging out though." the pinkette's face sagged slightly with melancholy just thinking about the fun she would have skipping classes.

"Come on let's play hooky then," Asher says grinning.

Alix is hesitant to answer, she continues to stroll ahead of her friends. "We'll see guys, maybe some other time."

Ran shakes her head with disapproval. "What the hell has gotten into her, she's carrying lunches and school books." Ran says irritated.

Asher stands by Ran while staring intensely at Alix. She knew what was going on but she had to prove it to herself. Alix and Skip were doing more than just studying it seemed. 

Both girls take a detour toward the entrance of the school, they were leaving to indulge in a day of mischief.

Phew, that was close. Alix thought watching Asher and Ran exit out the school doors.

"I can't wait for Skip to see this, she'll be so surprised." The pinkette squealed with joy.

Alix had put on some makeup and actually wore her uniform. 

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