Hidaki's return/Premonition of a charlatan Part 48

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Part 48

Alix had given up the hunt for her beloved Skip, the hall had gotten crowed quickly and there was no way she could follow where her tutor had disappeared too.

Just great, Alix thought as she blocked out the chatter of students heading to nearby classrooms.

Alix strolls down the corridor thinking to herself. Maybe Skip was bullied into kissing her, the other girl was bigger and seemed older.

Was I doing something wrong in the relationship to make Skip dislike me? Of course not,  I've done nothing wrong, Alix scratches her head, at least I don't think so.

Could she have lost interest in me that quickly? Alix questioned.

Why was she seeing that sexy girl anyway? Alix pouts,  the mere thought made her sick to her stomach all over again.

Alix drags herself down the corridor which was full of the hustle and bustle of students.

Skip was refusing to go any further with our relationship because she was seeing someone already or was she seeing someone new?

Alix thought Skip had rejected her affection at first due to the fact she was a girl, but that was not the case, definitely not, She saw her with another girl already. 

Alix held her breath for a moment to gather her thoughts, right now she was feeling scatterbrained. The pinkette inhales then exhales while placing a hand to her chest. She had to catch her breath, Alix was startled by what she saw. She still couldn't believe that her Skippy peanut butter was a heartless jerk.

Alix clenches her fist. Is that it, does she enjoy one night stands?

Maybe there was a misunderstanding, Alix hoped.

In a dark dismal place with cold steel bars and barely any light a man with a red pompadour sits in a cell, He was being held in a corrections center.

I didn't do it, the guy tried to commit suicide, Hidaki clenches his fist sitting in his dimly lit cell.    " I was framed dammit," Hidaki mumbles.  He slams his fist on the bed while seething with anger as he  grits  his teeth, "That bastard framed me." Hidaki grumbles.

Hidaki remembered the incident as it played over and over again in his mind. That student cut his own throat...

 " I'll do it ." A student steps back from Hidaki with a blade less than an inch away from his neck. Hidaki raises his hand, "Don't, you idiot ." 

"Go on take one more step and I'll do it ." The student says grinning. " You're bluffing ." Hidaki takes a step closer, The boy drags a knife across his skin causing blood to spill from his neck.

The sound of sirens blare throughout the marsh area where the punks had gathered.

Woooo wooo wooo.

"OH shit",  A punk hollers.

Hidaki could see police cruisers pulling into the area and parking.  "It's the boys in blue," Hidaki shouts. "Let's get the hell outta here,"  Bob screams. Gang members dart away from the scene.

 Hidaki turns to run but he feels a hand with a tight grip on his shirt yank him backwards. An officer had nabbed the young man by his shirt. " You're coming with us, you scum." The cop says coldly. Hidaki could see another cop dashing toward him with his nightstick drawn ready to whack him any second.

Hidaki knew to give in at this point,  he was surrounded by police officers, Hidaki decided to surrender placing his arms above his head.

Hidaki tries to wipe the memory from his mind. Geez, I'm an innocent man.  He hangs his head.  "I'll show that school head master's ass to never mess with me, just wait and see." Hidaki yells while waving his fist about.

"Just wait, why wait when you can get revenge now." 

 Hidaki jumps off his bunkbed. "Who said that?"  He peers around his cell with his face distorted with fear. Oh shit, now I'm hearing voices. He places both hands to his head as if he was trying to cover his ears from the unknown voice. I can't be going crazy, it runs in my family but come on. Hidaki's eyes bulge out of his head as he shudders slightly.

 He hears the voice once  again, "Looook, here boy."

Hidaki slowly turns around facing the direction he heard the voice.

There, a figure stands before him with its face pressed between the bars of his cell.

Hidaki saw red eyes glowing in the darkness, there a silhouette stood with a tall lanky stature, a wiry fellow stood glaring at the boy, two crimson golf balls for eyes glare at the thug which appeared serpent-like, its face was similar to a gargoyle's but still its facial features were difficult to perceive,  skin on its face appeared to have been peeled off in patches, the grim figure had a strong jawline with fangs that protruded from its face.

The unknown entity wore a long hooded tunic, the creature's face was partially covered by a hood, Hidaki could only make out horns and red eyes but not much more.

"You haven't lost your sanity child," The creature hisses. Hidaki peers into crimson red reptilian eyes.

"I can get you out of here,  but first you must do something for me," The creature hissed.

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