Last but not Least pt 4 Part 37

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Last but not Least pt 4 orbit bros. part 38

"Skiiiiip," Alix yells as she watched from a distance in disbelief, she could feel her heart sink while beating herself up, how could she screw up? This was the only chance she had to rescue her comrade and she blew it, She came close to eliminating him.  Unfortunately, Obu sensed her power and was able to evade her attack. Alix felt her stomach drop fearing the worst for her partner.

The pink-haired girl tried her best to pull herself together this battle wasn't over yet. Obu turns around smirking at Alix. " Foolish child, never bite off more than you can chew."

The pinkette stood still shocked trying to fathom her mistake, how could she miss she was so close to blowing off his head. An arm sneaks up behind her then eases near her shoulder.  

Alix had mustered up enough courage to push forward, I hope Skip is alright, She presses her feet to the ground ready to spring off running. Alix could feel her adrenaline pick up as she was about to lunge toward her  enemy.

She feels a light tap on her arm followed by an agonizing sharp pain which jolted throughout her entire body. It felt similar to static shock but was more painful. 

"AARRGGGH." The pinkette goes to grab at her arm where she felt pain but to her  dismay, her hand refused to move. Alix suddenly collapses to the ground shivering slightly as if she had the chills.

OH no, her mind races.  What just happened?  Her pupils move frantically, there, she could see Obu's arm slithering away through the grass. It appears she was touched by his hand.

Skip tries to catch her breath panting while enduring more excruciating pain as she watches her arm fall to the ground. The fiery attack had left the girl with a severed limb, Blood squirts from her opening where her arm once was. Bleeding profusely puddles of blood form around her hanging feet. Sweating excessively Skip feels weak witnessing more blood gush from her shoulder. She pants rapidly trying to withstand severe pain as steam seeps out the opening of her amputated arm, more blood drips out.

The blue-haired girl gasps for air, trying to catch her breath, her vision starts to go blurry. Skip grits her teeth harder as she begins to taste blood. I must...stay resilient. Blood seeps out the corner of her mouth. She closes one eye tightly feeling more excruciating jolts of pain.

Obu reverts his attention back to his helpless opponent. " Who will protect you Superbia now that your comrade is paralyzed." Obu had utilized his stun arm on Alix rendering her helpless.

 "Skip!" Alix shouts, Damn this is no good I can't move. The girl tried once more to pull herself forward, but no use. Now laying flat on her back Alix could do nothing to help Skip.

Skip could hear Alix's voice faintly as she began to lose consciousness. Obu's arm begins to flare up with sparks again as electricity starts to surge through his arm.

The bluenette peers down hazily noticing something strange taking place. Her blood on the ground begins to accumulate, gooey sanguine drops start to connect as an energy force begins to pull globs of blood back to where her arm once was.

Quickly the droplets reconnect forming a new arm, Skip's blood then hardens and begins to glow off and on. Obu gathers energy powering up his arm, it lights up. 

" Electro Shock..."  Obu shouts. An electrical current trickles down his arm heading right for the bluenette. In an instant Skip's limb was replaced with a pure energy scythe blade. Skip's eyes widen in awe as her arm illuminates with power.

With her condition critical, what could be happening? Skip's mind questions.

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