Date or Affair pt 3 Part 70

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Date or affair pt 3 part 70

"FOOD FIGHT." Ran screams, she tosses her chicken sandwich at a guy sitting across from her.

Belladonna retreats from the cafeteria dodging an array of boiled vegetables. "This is absurd." She burst out the lunchroom doors.

Mashed potatoes are hurled toward Skip, with poise she holds up her lunch tray blocking various foods darting all over the room. 

"What an insolent group of heathens." Skip sighs. She spots Alix and Ran laughing while flinging food off their trays at numerous students, there was no doubt in her mind that they started it.

Tons of food covered the cafeteria, corn, peas, and potatoes speckled the linoleum floor with color, an apple thumps Hidaki in the forehead.

 "Ow, hey who threw that, you're gonna pay big time." He grabs a handful of potato salad but before he could throw the mush, a blob of macaroni and cheese gushes Hidaki in the face. Food was thrashed about left and right, dripping off the walls and caked on the floor.

Pabblum runs into the cafeteria. "Miss Vice President I have your lunch, macaroni and cheese." Skip peers at the nerd still shielding herself from oncoming food, a corn cob bounces off the backside of her tray. Splat, smoosh, a glob of apple sauce bashes Pabblum on the right side of her face.

 "Miss Vice ...oof." Slap, another ball of mush pelts the jynx on the left side of her head. The geek crashes to the floor. Skip witnesses Pabblum getting decked with apple sauce like bullets in war, Pabblum is hit with several clumps of slop, she collapses to the ground laying in the Fetal position feeling the cold hard linoleum floor.

"EVERY ONE STOP NOW or face the consequences." They hear an irritated voice over the loudspeaker, it was Belladonna.

 "If you don't stop, you will all face expulsion." Students stop at once, everyone freezes stuck in a pose. All students stop immediately and start to clean up their mess, except for the rebels of course.

Alix and Ran laugh, "Sweet lets text Asher about this." Ran says. They both high five. "See ya," Ran says. She slips out the backdoor which led to the courtyard. Alix waves. "Bye-bye."

Alix wanted to join her friend, she was eager to cut classes but the secret date was more important to plan.

Skip ambles to the STC room. Belladonna sits at her desk. "Who the hell did that, what a fool." She turns around in her black office chair cleaning her shades with a handkerchief "Greenmore find out who started such mayhem." Belladonna orders. Skip nods. " Yes, of course." The puny girl replies.

Skip felt slightly queasy, she knew Alix was the culprit. What if there was a witness, they might inform Belladonna. How could she protect her love? 

Alix inconspicuously enters her class even though she was on time, she then noticed other students just entering class taking their seats as well. She was so used to being tardy, she actually got into a habit of sneaking into class.

"Okay class jolt down these notes for today's homework assignment and there will be a quiz." Mr. Poindexter says. He pushes his glasses up on the bridge of his nose then turns to face the blackboard.

Alix sits at her desk blocking out anything the teacher had said. She had more important things on her mind than some dumb quiz. She needed to plan a date for her and her beloved Skippy. Alix began writing, hmmm we need to hit the arcade then get ice cream, and maybe a trip to the beach, the weathers still warm after all.

Alix began jotting down idea after idea. Let's see, what does Skip like to do besides study. Alix places a finger to her cheek, now that she thought about it, she barely knew anything that Skip actually liked, Alix wondered was she moving too fast with their relationship, was she even taking the time to get to know her blue-haired bombshell?

Well, she does study a lot, but what else, I'll just have to ask her. Alix thought.

The class was over and lazy students who were trying to keep their grades decent bolted out of the room, Alix follows behind a crowd of delinquents.

She receives a text from Skip it read:

Please come to my study room.

Alix peers at the text, what could Skip want with me?

Alix heads down to Skip's office, maybe she's been planning the date as well, Alix grins. She opens the door to her tutor's study room. Skip glances up from her desk, she then closes the blinds behind her.  Skip comes from around her desk moving toward the pinkette. Alix stands a little nervous.

 "What's up, babe?" Alix asked. The bluenette parts her lips. 

"You are in enough trouble as it is and you decide to create a disturbance in the  cafeteria." Skip ambles over to her lover, Alix ponders a bit, what is Skip getting at, and what about our date? Skip saunters past the pinkette to the door, she locks it by pressing a small button in the center of the knob. Skip turns away from the door and gives Alix an alluring gaze.

Alix stood discombobulated. Skip kneels in front of the delinquent, She slides down the pinkette's distressed jeans.

 "Why aren't you wearing your uniform?" Skip asked. 

" I didn't feel like it."  Alix shrugs. She glides her hands up and down Alix's sunkissed thighs. Alix leans forward, what the hell are you doing Skip?

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